How Are Those Who Grew Up In The 1970’s Still Even Alive

3 – Always Got Hurt

Sure kid, go play on the highway, and no adult seemed a least bit concerned. In fact, they found it amusing. Whenever kids got hurt in the 1970s, got bruises or began to bleed, adults didn’t come running out with their first-aid kits.

We were left alone when in pain, with the blunt force trauma, and left with no alternative rather than getting over it and healing. “Suck it up kid, you’ll live,” said daddy as he took another sip of beer. Back in the 70s, parents watched their kids fall from trees, get beat up, fall off bikes, then laugh.

2 – Secondhand Cigarette Smoke

The thick fog was persistent, at home, inside the Greyhound bus, the restaurants, the family car. It seemed the entire 1970s was shrouded in a haze of cigarette smoke. You weren’t cool if you didn’t smoke, as there was absolutely zero lack of concern who got exposed, including kids.

Doctors smoked, teachers smoked, our parents definitely did. There was no designated area, they blew smoke in your face. It was a world full of adults who didn’t give a rats ass about our health, yet we’re still alive.

1 – Lawn Darts

Try to find a more deadlier toy for kids 6 and over, than a weighted metal spear where they can hurl through the air, much like a missile. The only manufacturer’s warning was never throw them at people, or dogs, which everyone of course ignored.

We threw them everywhere and at anyone. Sometimes they landed on body parts. There were numerous emergency room visits. They were invented in 1978 but not banned until 1988. Then there was disco shortly after that, which is another tragic story.

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