Know That Your pH Level Is The Critical Measurement Of Health

It’s the blood’s pH level that’s considered one of the most important measurements, this when it comes to how healthy we are. The ideal optimal pH blood level is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. This is the target level that needs to be maintained, this for the body to function at its peak.

So the monitoring and the maintenance of this pH level becomes mandatory, this to keep the body optimized and functioning at its best. The “functions” in the body that can become affected, this once the pH level falls off balance, includes poor blood flow, poor cell function, fat accumulation, and weakened bone density.

It becomes vital to protect our health, this because of our hectic lifestyle. What we can’t avoid however, are the common everyday activities that we do.

There are hazards such as toxins that invade our bodies, the diseases that stress brings, the immense pressure of working and making a living, all affects our pH levels.

Our Fast Forward Living
Our precarious eating habits may be the biggest detriment, which isn’t helpful for our pH levels. What we put into our stomachs, immediately gets us healthy, or contributes to our body’s demise.

There are also other threats that we should be aware of, this other than our high sugar intake, which spikes our blood pressure and cholesterol. What every action that’s taken, somehow alters the pH level.

How The Blood Flows
How smooth and fluid the blood flows through the veins, is determined by the electrical charge that’s coated on each of the individual red blood cells.

What each red blood cell is coated with, is a negative charge. This so they won’t stick to each other and clot, this similar to a magnet with the same pole charge.

Once the pH level begins to decrease, what happens is the blood becomes acidic. What this acidity level does to the red blood cells, is it begins to strip off that negative charge.

What then happens is the individual red blood cells begins to stick to each other and clumps, which makes the blood flow slower.

What this slower blood flow does is provides less oxygen to the cells in the body, which in turn begins to under perform, making one feel tired and sluggish. Once the blood becomes acidic, there’s something that offset it somehow, forcing it to go off balance.

Alkaline pH State Of Blood
Once the blood becomes too alkaline, the pH level is considered high. Once it becomes too high, what then happens is there’s an elevated presence of hydrogen ions in the blood.

What the presence of these hydrogen ions does, is delays muscle function. The more ions that are found in the body, what they’ll do is slow down the reaction time of the muscles.

Having a high pH level, means that the blood is able to accommodate more hydrogen ions, this before it begins to spread itself into the muscles, eventually forcing them to slow down.

Results In Better Performance
What a balanced pH level offers is the ability to burn off more energy, while needing less oxygen. This allows the body to tolerate the production of lactic acid, which then enables it to perform things more quickly and efficiently.

So if an athlete needs to boost up their performance somehow, or if someone is wanting to increase their stamina, it becomes critically important to track their pH level.

You can do so easily by taking a taking a simple saliva test, which can be done with acid paper strips, which are available from the local drugstore.


High Acidic Level
If the acidity level in the body becomes too high, what it can also do is destroy the cells in the body, which makes one gain weight and store fat.

What the body does is reacts negatively to the presence of the acidity, this since it knows that high acidic blood, will directly affect body “function.”

High acidic levels become harmful to the information storage centers in the cells, the RNA, which increases the possibly of mutation, toxicity, and illness to develop.

Once this threat becomes apparent, the body is conditioned to coat the cells with fatty tissue, this to protect them from the increasing pH acidity levels, but the fat stays. The more acidic that the blood becomes, the more body fat that one will store.

To Balance pH Levels
What blood acidity also does is lowers bone density. What the body does is begins to work overtime to regulate the offsetting pH level, this to the point it releases buffers to counter that acidity.

Although releasing buffers is a good thing, but how the body does so, isn’t that great for ones bone density.

Every time that the pH level rises in acidity, what the body does is uses the calcium that’s stored in the bones, this as the buffer to maintain that critical pH level. The result is lower bone density, making one prone to osteoporosis.

It becomes difficult to replenish the calcium levels which are lost by supplying the buffers, so what’s needed is making the blood more alkaline, which then supplies buffers to the blood.

Regulating pH Levels
Fruits and green vegetables are excellent sources of alkaline. Processed foods and meat are acidic. What a healthy diet should consist of is 80% alkaline foods, and 20% acidic foods. Supplements are also readily available and recommended.

So a key component to your health, is knowing and regulating your pH level. What you eat becomes the biggest factor, while your stress level and environmental factors need to be considered as well.

What becomes important is consciously knowing when your pH levels become offset, and then balancing them out again.

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