It’s not very often that you come across a “Law of Attraction” type of product that will improve your health, so we decided to do a Manifestation Magic review. Most …
It’s not very often that you come across a “Law of Attraction” type of product that will improve your health, so we decided to do a Manifestation Magic review. Most …
What is the Keto Diet and why should you try it out, as there are a variety of other diets on the market. Do you struggle with your weight? If …
Those who write as a career are unappreciated, which is fact. You spend hours planning, writing, rewriting and editing your work, only to have it rejected once you have the …
Since we are social animals, the biggest part of our lives is to communicate with others. Sharing and receiving thoughts, by exchanging concise vital information, understanding the other person’s feelings …
Are you too sensitive to what people say. Realize that person might just be offering constructive criticism, having a bad day or being sarcastic. It’s not always about you. How …
You allow your ego to run your image, as you surrender to it as a safety mechanism to cover your insecurity. Deep down you may not feel good enough, you’re …
There you are an outstanding person, a friend to society, loved by your family, an excellent employee, appreciated highly by anyone you’ve known or meet. Yet, somehow, someway, you don’t …
What we all want is to squeeze out as much productivity as possible during the day, while becoming as efficient as possible to save time. It’s found doing so begins …
The Internet is all about constructing engaging content with your reader, and you have a split-second to do so. This in a world of online information seekers, who has the …
Can the concept of success be that simple, taking calculated action on the ideas we come up with. We’ve all had a brilliant idea of some sort formulate, and then …
When going to school, we have no other choice as kids but to learn what we’re taught. We become pawns to the process, as we’re educated on what’s on the …
We humans can suddenly become moody at times, unexpectedly, when there’s uncertainty of the unknown brewing. We can suddenly get sadden by hearing bad news, by the persistent rain, or …
The latest hazard of the technological age, is how it damages the brain. This especially for the young, where it has a detrimental effect, because of excess exposure to “blue” …
The biggest problem when it comes to losing weight, is knowing your body isn’t burning off calories faster than you consume calories. The simple equation being, burn off more calories …
Practice to reduce the emotional clutter out of your life, which activates in motion what you’re wanting closer towards you. Live in the moment to get access to the power …