How To Build Trust And Integrity With All Your Relationships

During this period of time in history, these uncertain times, this era of life we live in, what we’re confronted with is a world full of deceit and mistrust towards our fellow human. It’s especially extended towards the health organizations and the world governments.

What this leads to is becoming suspicious towards those we think we know, and more so towards those we are unfamiliar with.

The world has become a playground of political and business deception, becoming a fake “house of games” which can instantly fold with fraud and …

Why You Need To Show Empathy Instead Of Constantly Judging

What most don’t realize is there’s an easy step you can take right now, which can alter whatever it is you’re wanting to change in your life for the better. It’s the choice to move away from being constantly judgmental, towards a state of showing empathy towards yourself and others.

Empathy is defined as mindful caring for the pain or distress of others, which is accompanied with a desire to help.

There’s nothing that feels better, more fulfilling and comforting than showing your empathetic state to someone, when responding to …

How To Feel Better By Adopting Habits That Elevate Self Worth

Self-worth is when you block everything out and decide just one opinion matters, which is your own. Just make sure the opinion is a positive one. What we think becomes key, and needs to be closely monitored. Our negative mind however, are often our most harshest critic.

The definition of self-worth, which is also known as self-esteem, is having the confidence in ourselves to give high praise of our thoughts, to our worthiness and ability.

The feeling of being a valid courageous person, who wants and deserves to be treated …

The Need To Alter Your Attitude Once Life Gets You Down

What formulates in our lives is our thoughts which turns into beliefs, which turns into habits and then establishes as attitudes. Changing these attitudes can become one of the most difficult things you can do in your life, as you restrict yourself from certain notions.

It’s assumed most occurrences in life are fair, that everything eventually balances itself out.

We can have amazing experiences, while “cause and effect” can result in pain and suffering, sending our lives in a tailspin, while teaching us a lesson. All we remember however are …

Developing Self Discipline In A World Of Easy Temptation

What exactly is self discipline, and why is it considered such an important step to further human development. What most will usually struggle with is their own self control over themselves, as there are easy temptations which are constantly staring down on them on a daily basis.

The current state of the instant gratification media, constantly preys and purposely batters our fake persona’s.

It pumps up our ego by constantly teasing and hitting our emotional buttons, which makes us want to be more popular, in demand, more attractive, more successful. …