How The Internet Is Consuming Us To The Point Of Addiction

In this modern technological world we now live in, reality is turning everything towards virtual. The end result is it’s transforming how we think and act. Just a few decades ago, all we had was television, radio, and print media to keep us informed or entertained.

We had to stroll down to the local library, to access books and encyclopedias to learn something. Then the marvel that is the Internet suddenly appeared.

A technology transformation where any type of information you’ve ever needed, has now become instantly available with a …

How To Learn Active Listening Skills For Better Communication

One of the key emotional intelligence skills we need to develop when wanting to become a better communicator, is the ability to listen better. Active listening is something the majority of us have difficulty with, and thus a common undeveloped skill in most of society from all walks of life.

Learning to listen effectively is a two way street which is a learned process, a process anyone can learn through mindful practice and awareness.

It’s known you will usually gain more information and learn more through listening, rather than from …

How To Attract What You Want By Using The Right Frequency

What we all want is to be the chief directive of how we live our lives. This means going beyond depending on fate. It’s thought we can all somewhat control our destiny, by tapping into manifesting what we want. The belief being if we want something bad enough, it will come to us.

Some question if this is even possible, developing and thinking thoughts and they turning into reality.

It all comes down to our internal energy, since it’s known the universe is nothing more than a huge swirling bowl …

How To Rid Of Bad Habits By Altering Your Emotional Response

The most common default switch for most is to get angry, to become upset at themselves and everyone else around them. Even before realizing they’re becoming sad or mad, what they habitually do is eat or drink too much, before they begin to feel despondent about themselves.

The reason for this is the culmination from years of negative conditioning, realizing once you’re confronted, you habitually seek instant gratification through a learned response.

Once you become aware of this, there are steps to take to reduce the emotional outburst while increasing …

The Steps To Take Which Will Propel You Forward In Life

What everyone wants is to improve their life some how, yet rarely try, and will then complain they can’t reach their potential. What we need is to break free from this procrastination, by taking affirmative action since there’s no one else who’s willing to help you.

We need to do so by getting past the fear of humiliation, embarrassment, or thinking you’re fine where we’re at.

It extends beyond being realistic about what it takes, by finding support, avoiding information overload, while becoming an authority in your particular domain.

What …

How To Know The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance

There’s a fine line between those who are confident or arrogant. We live in a world of phony extroverts, a culture of those who’ll fake it until they make it. So it’s our duty to distinguish who’s the real thing, and who’s the fake. To tell those who are truly confident or just plain egotistical.

Those who lack confidence will usually spend too much of their energy, in the attempts to gain more of it. The majority also feel they have adequate confidence, while others, not so much.

It’s found …