How Your Annoying Behaviour Pushes Those You Love Away

To be honest, we’ve all at times acted a bit toxic, damaging our persona at one time or another. We’re not alone when it comes to the occasional mood swing or arrogance. Most will mature and evolve, becoming balanced and aware enough to be able to restrain ourselves.

Once these behaviours begin to reveal themselves, it then becomes damaging to our personal self, social success, and our business welfare.

What we need to do is recognize whenever we’re behaving badly, and then consciously stop that annoying mindset.

You need to …

Detox Your Relationships Like You Detox Your Body And Mind

The definition of toxic, is the containment of a poisonous material capable of causing serious debilitation. The word is more commonly used in industry, such as to describe hazardous chemicals. It can also be used to describe people, their body, mind, and relationships.

Most of us at one time or another, have been involved in a toxic relationship in our lives.

We’ve been involved in the company of others, who didn’t act or care for the greater good of anyone, other than themselves.

Toxicity can be found in a variety …

Paying The Ultimate Price Of Freedom While Praying For Hope

Authoritarianism is defined as a political system, where the state doesn’t recognize limits to its authority, while striving to regulate every area of public and private life, whenever feasible. One feature of this control, is it’s a set of ideas which gives meaning and direction to society.

Authoritarianism has been tried, but essentially fails, because we humans won’t subvert to a singular dictator, that’s imposed by force. The ultimate fate of authoritarianism, illustrates this.

Authority, the attempt to dominate humanity, has solved this problem by creating and dispersing a times …

The Two Thought Processes When Using Emotional Intelligence

What those who are successful among us constantly display, is their ability to control their emotions. The maturity of any person after all, is their capability to direct their feelings, thoughts and behaviour under dire situations such as stress. This quality is what’s most sought after in leaders.

So it begins by knowing and managing your emotions, which will translate into managing your relationships, regardless of who you are.

This is when leaders are needed to adapt to what’s known as emotional intelligence.

To adopt the scientific based patterns regarding …

23 Signs You Have Awoken To Live The Life You Want To LIve

There comes the day in your life when you release yourself from the shackles of the past. When you get on track with the life you want to live. When stalling in the midst of fear and the hypocrisy it spews, you stop in your step and take a stand as you scream out, It’s my life dammit.

You’ve had enough fighting with yourself, with others, crying while blaming others for the miserable life you’ve lead, struggling to barely hang on.

Then suddenly like a toddler given a soother during …