Anything that involves change becomes daunting for anyone, because it’s associated with familiar habits, routine, becoming threatened. Realize once anyone describes themselves as being in a rut, they’re referring to habits become too stale.
What they’ve lost is their mojo, that spark they once had, that interest and motivation to do something.
If you’re completely happy with your current life, then you wouldn’t be considering making any changes at the moment.
But to improve, to get better, change is inevitable, an unavoidable state of growth.
Ask yourself if you wanting to change, has anything to do with how your current personal situation is.
This particularly if you’re dissatisfied, or if you constantly dwell on the negative. Do you avoid taking risks instead of seeing things as opportunities.
Change Is Next
What’s thought is making changes are too hard, but most also realize to improve their current state of life and well-being, something needs to change.
This in order to get better, to extend or improve their lives, something has to be done differently.
Change however is viewed as a painful process, but what needs to be realized is it’s never too late to make alterations for the better.
Know Where You’re At
The first step is taking inventory and then understanding what’s most important to you.
Determine the choices and decisions which needs to be made, to get where you want to be or become.
Maybe it’s a new career you want, to lose weight, start exercising, or find a new relationship.
Whatever the change is, make sure you understand why you need to make that change, and then firmly commit to it.
Previous Alterations In Life
Reflect back to think of a time in your life you’ve made a successful change, or consciously developed a new habit because you wanted to.
Remember how it felt, what the motivation was for that change to be made.
What was your station in life, your attitude at the time. What were the obstacles you needed to overcome.
Now Get Ready
Your level of readiness to making a change, determines how successful you will be, and how long it will take.
Once you make the firm decision to make this change, you need to practice that new behaviour you want to adopt.
You need to begin this moment and continue one day at a time until it becomes a habit, which is everlasting change.
Willingness To Change
There are some who constantly welcomes change for the better, while others hesitate and procrastinate until the urge passes.
There are also cycles, a set routine they go through to make this change.
There are gradual levels of making a change, from having no interest whatsoever, to maintaining the change after it’s been made.
The biggest obstacle for most is resistance, which is the initial response when needing to make alterations.
At times, most don’t see the positive side of making a change until it’s proven or shown to them, or they’re forced to painfully realize it on their own somehow.
Most changes are also a choice, something we decide to do to improve. This is the same for wellness, as it’s also a choice.
Once you’ve decided to make a change, then you’ll feel better for it.
Embracing Change
To embrace the concept of change can become an issue, the reason because what most think is they don’t have a choice, or it’s forced on them.
The reason for this is because it’s fear, love, pain, guilt, time management, which forces them to make the change.
What motivates one person isn’t always the same thing which gets someone else to change. Everyone reacts differently to change, whether voluntary or mandatory.
Start Making Changes
To begin making any type of change, what needs to be let go are certain assumptions, or habitual ways of doing things in the past.
What you need to do is make room in your mind or life for the new change, to accept new ideas to replace the old ones.
This needs to be worked on patiently, one day at a time until it becomes comfortable.
If you’re wanting to exercise more, because you’re completely sedentary, you want to slowly increase your activity level.
Say if you’re currently working too much, is the reason why you don’t have the time to go to the gym to exercise, you need to compromise.
What you believe is you don’t have, or can’t afford the time in your busy day to go workout.
Adapting To Change
The best solution is to start slow. Instead of hitting the gym right away, which takes valuable time as you need to work, begin by walking around the office more.
Begin taking the stairs, or take a brisk 15 minute walk during lunch. These are changes which won’t interfere with your work.
As you’ve begin to walk more, what you did was adopt a new habit, which is finding different ways to get fit, such as walking to work.
Eventually, you’ll replace or rearrange the time spent on work, to make room for more exercise. You’ll then eventually find the time to join that gym.
Making Change Last
To make any change last, what you do is pick up where you left off and build on it, by doing a little bit more, pushing yourself further each time.
If you fall back a bit, if you experience resistance, then identify the cause or the circumstances.
Identify what your emotional state is, as the key is getting back on track again. You’ll most likely go back and forth a few times.
Your level of willingness to change will determine how successful you become, and how much time and effort it’ll take.