Our Purpose Of Existence Applied To The Business World

What’s the meaning of our existence, what does our life on this lonely planet mean. Is there a purpose for we being alive at this precise moment in history. It’s known some feel their life is meaningless, insignificant. There are thoughts this endless cycle of birth, survival, demise, is pointless.

We wake every day just to survive, tend our duty, earn money to feed another day. We raise our kids so they can grow up and do the same, this to infinitude.

What’s the purpose, the meaning behind all this, …

Why We Love The Internet And Its Evil Step Child Social Media

There was an anniversary of sorts that recently past, as Facebook was founded in 2004, which unofficially kicked off the social media era. Before that, the Internet, the World Wide Web, was a cold dark scary place. A database of information in digital format, where “spam” was no longer just a mystery meat.

Social media was when the Internet became user friendly, where it became a warm inviting place, and not just geeks trolling and hacking on message boards.

We continue to advance forward into uncharted territory, in regards to …

How To Develop The Proper Mindset To Attract More Money

Why is it some can willingly attract money into their life. They’re constantly being rewarded, such as discovering that new business opportunity ahead of others. Then they capitalize by profiting. One of the bigger mysteries of mankind, is how to attract more money into your life.

What’s known is there are certain fundamental principles to attract more wealth. What it comes down to is developing a certain mindset, which acts as a money trap.

So to gain more green in your pocket, what it begins with is having the absolute …

How To Release The Creativity Lying Dormant Inside You

Believe we’re all born with outstanding creative energy that’s lying dormant, trapped and waiting for its release, yearning to become more inventive in our everyday lives. This in our livelihood, as we can use an infusion of creativity, new insights with an assortment of imagination.

You could then produce better more inspiring designs, improved promotional pieces, create awe inspiring videos that could elevate you to the next level.

All you need is to activate that built in dormant creative genius that’s waiting inside of you.

What’s known for certain is …

How To Use The Laws Of The Universe To Get What You Want

Most don’t realize the strong undeniable natural undercurrents, which dictates our behaviour. Those who are unaware or don’t accept they exist, needs an injection of belief. These universal laws were discovered centuries ago which verified their existence, and how they can work in your life today.

If you need anything, anyone, then what you can do is harness these natural laws of the universe yourself.

What most usually want more of in this world is better health, empowerment, wealth, companionship.

Know the universe is controlled and governed by certain laws …