When going to school, we have no other choice as kids but to learn what we’re taught. We become pawns to the process, as we’re educated on what’s on the …
The Real Danger Of Exposing Your Yourself To Digital Screens
The latest hazard of the technological age, is how it damages the brain. This especially for the young, where it has a detrimental effect, because of excess exposure to “blue” …
How To Make A Good First Impression When Meeting Someone New
In rapid fire succession, we humans make hundreds of first impressions quickly on anyone and anything on a daily basis. This to save time, to decide whether to move on …
If I Am So Successful In Life Why Do I Feel Like A Failure
You’ve worked hard your entire life, perhaps got a few breaks, yet slaved hard to the bone, sacrificing your life for the almighty dollar. You’ve reached the pinnacle of your …
How To Manifest Anything You’ve Ever Wanted In Your Life
What our perception of the universe is, creates what our true reality becomes. Once we begin to understand how our beliefs can shape what our destiny is, we can then …
How To Create An Abundance Mindset Before Attracting Money
It’s easy to think if you’re struggling in life, short on money and hope, the world is conspiring against you. That life is a cruel unfriendly place and you’re cursed. …
How Genuine Authentic People Assume Leadership Roles
Is appealing for honesty from others too much to ask for. There’s a reason why we place more validity on those who appear genuine, while avoiding those who are egocentric …
The Most Common Reason For Failure Is Wanting To Be Perfect
Trying to be perfect at all times, concisely wanting to get every detail right, can be a detriment which can get in the way, when attempting to start or build …
How To Attract What You Want By Using The Right Frequency
What we all want is to be the chief directive of how we live our lives. This means going beyond depending on fate. It’s thought we can all somewhat control …
How To Know The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance
There’s a fine line between those who are confident or arrogant. We live in a world of phony extroverts, a culture of those who’ll fake it until they make it. …
Why The Path Towards Success Always Begins With Failure
We’re never told this by our parents or our educators, we never hear this from our employers, and that’s we’re destined to fail, by default, before we can expect succeess. …
The Two Thought Processes When Using Emotional Intelligence
What those who are successful among us constantly display, is their ability to control their emotions. The maturity of any person after all, is their capability to direct their feelings, …