You Are The Total Result Of The Choices You Make In Life

know when you have a choiceAll that you create or don’t create in your life, comes from making a choice. Embrace and understand the dynamics of this essential ingredient of power. You suffer when you dis-empower yourself, by feeling that you’re not in control of your life’s destiny.

Freedom lies in understanding that you choose everything in your life. Even inaction is a choice, as in reality, stagnation doesn’t exist. You can justify your situation by claiming, “I have no choice,” or “I have no options to change,” or “There’s nothing I can do.”

Realize that these are false beliefs, this since you’re allowing the world around you to control or dictate your life. There’s rarely a situation in where you don’t have the power of choice.

And with each choice, there’s a consequence and an energetic price that needs to be paid. So, it’s not that you don’t have a choice, you’re only choosing what price you’re wanting to pay.

If you’re currently in a situation in which you are unhappy, for instance, you can then make several choices.

You can choose to stay at your job, this because you are fearful of change, the job market is unsettled, or you’re uncertain whether or not you can find other means of income.

The price you pay for this choice is the continued feelings of boredom, anger, hopelessness, and lethargy. Eventually this feeling will affect all the other areas of your life.

The Choice Is Yours
You can choose to stay put, while changing the energy on how you see your situation. The simple act of using an empowering thought form, can create a dramatic change in how you see your situation. “I will stay at this job because it’s providing me with an income at this time.”

You can choose to leave the job with the understanding that you’re a creative being, and can manifest a new source of income. From an exterior point of view, this looks as if it’s the most expensive choice in terms of energy, so what’s required is profound faith.

Choices In Relationships
You can choose to stay in an unhappy, stagnant, or an abusive relationship. You can continue to complain about how miserable you are, and why you can’t leave the relationship for various reasons.

You can justify and make excuses for your circumstances, yet, all the while you continue to live in anxiety and pain. You can choose to continually dream about what else may be out there for you.

All this while never giving yourself an opportunity to explore all the possibilities. The price for this choice can’t be calculated.

You can choose to stay in the relationship with the affirmation of “I love this person and I choose to communicate my feelings with them, to help bring about the needed changes.”

By doing this, you’re empowering yourself by knowing that you’re staying because it’s your choice, and not because you have no other option.

Making Your Own Choices
You can choose to leave the relationship and understand that this choice may lead to some pain and loneliness for a while. You may feel sadness and loss, yet you’ll feel an undeniable sense of freedom.

The level of your anxiety, negative thoughts and feelings will eventually diminish, making way for a higher vibration of life affirming energy.

Your affirmation would be something like “I’m choosing to leave this relationship because it’s not contributing to my joy and ultimate happiness.”


You know that it may be painful for a little while, yet you also know there are millions of people on this planet, and numerous opportunities to meet new people.

What You Decide
Once you use the words “choose” or “choice” in an affirmation, prayer, or thought, the ears of the Universe perks up and listens.

The Universe begins to realign your world to meet that choice. There’s much magic in the understanding of this wisdom.

To Get What You Want
The same principle applies towards what you think is missing in your life. You’re wanting to create more prosperity, start a new business, job, or a relationship, yet you see that nothing is manifesting.

You can also choose how you view the situation. You can make conscious choices on how you can get to the place where you’re wanting to be. Start by not thinking negatively.

Avoid affirmations such as:
• “I will never work for myself”
• “I don’t have the means to create my own business”
• “I will never find a good job”
• “I will never meet my soul mate”
• “I will always be poor”
• “I will never get what I want”

Which all reinforces the choice to create more of the same.

Choose creative life affirming statements and thought forms instead, and then watch how your life transforms. The Universe stands ready to assist you in your choices to create what you want.

Your Choices Alter Your Life
All you can do is perceive life more positively, this by making the proper choices. Realize that you’re not bound to anyone except yourself.

Once life’s challenges take their hold on you, realize that nothing’s ever permanent and all things will eventually come to pass. Realize you’re affecting others as well, as they’re also fighting their own battles you know nothing about.

Ultimately choose to be grateful for what you’ve got, while continuing to yearn for what you don’t have. What gratitude does is it pays forward what you hunger for, bringing what you want closer to you.

Choose not to let the circumstances you don’t like get you down, while looking at the good in every situation. Always choose to be positive while never leaving things to chance.

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