Your attitude is the one thing you have complete control over in every life situation, so always make sure it’s a positive one. What’s not realized, is the first thing …
The Key To Communicating Is Understanding What Is Being Said
Since we are social animals, the biggest part of our lives is to communicate with others. Sharing and receiving thoughts, by exchanging concise vital information, understanding the other person’s feelings …
10 Reasons To Stop Taking What Everyone Says So Personally
Are you too sensitive to what people say. Realize that person might just be offering constructive criticism, having a bad day or being sarcastic. It’s not always about you. How …
9 Ways How A Big Ego Can Cause Havoc In Your Relationships
You allow your ego to run your image, as you surrender to it as a safety mechanism to cover your insecurity. Deep down you may not feel good enough, you’re …
How To Stop Being A People Pleaser While Still Being Nice
There you are an outstanding person, a friend to society, loved by your family, an excellent employee, appreciated highly by anyone you’ve known or meet. Yet, somehow, someway, you don’t …
How To Manage Your Four Energy Sources For Peak Efficiency
What we all want is to squeeze out as much productivity as possible during the day, while becoming as efficient as possible to save time. It’s found doing so begins …
You Can Lead A Person To A Blog But You Can’t Make Them Read
The Internet is all about constructing engaging content with your reader, and you have a split-second to do so. This in a world of online information seekers, who has the …
The Key To Personal Success Is Taking Action On Your Dreams
Can the concept of success be that simple, taking calculated action on the ideas we come up with. We’ve all had a brilliant idea of some sort formulate, and then …
How To Make The Transition From Learning To Earning A Living
When going to school, we have no other choice as kids but to learn what we’re taught. We become pawns to the process, as we’re educated on what’s on the …
9 Natural Ways To Boost Mood During Times Of Unrest
We humans can suddenly become moody at times, unexpectedly, when there’s uncertainty of the unknown brewing. We can suddenly get sadden by hearing bad news, by the persistent rain, or …
The Real Danger Of Exposing Your Yourself To Digital Screens
The latest hazard of the technological age, is how it damages the brain. This especially for the young, where it has a detrimental effect, because of excess exposure to “blue” …
How To Increase Metabolism To Burn Calories For Weight Loss
The biggest problem when it comes to losing weight, is knowing your body isn’t burning off calories faster than you consume calories. The simple equation being, burn off more calories …