Paying The Ultimate Price Of Freedom While Praying For Hope

Authoritarianism is defined as a political system, where the state doesn’t recognize limits to its authority, while striving to regulate every area of public and private life, whenever feasible. One feature of this control, is it’s a set of ideas which gives meaning and direction to society.

Authoritarianism has been tried, but essentially fails, because we humans won’t subvert to a singular dictator, that’s imposed by force. The ultimate fate of authoritarianism, illustrates this.

Authority, the attempt to dominate humanity, has solved this problem by creating and dispersing a times …

The Path Towards Finding Better Ways To Natural Healing

As we grow older, the scale begins to tip towards the need to heal, because of the ravages of aging takes its toll. The feeling of past wrongs begins to control our lives. This could be the small regrets and pains, the sorrows beginning to engulf in doubt, as our maladies which are not always chronic, adds up.

What results is anger, resentment, and frustration, towards the mind beginning to fail, as it’s not as responsive as it once was.

What’s needed instead is forgiveness of self. It comes down …

How To Become More Intuitive By Learning To Pick Up Vibes

We’ve all had that eerie feeling when we suddenly get a hunch something is about to happen. And not really to our surprise, that feeling translates into reality. Once we feel certain about something without any logical basis, it’s known as intuition. It also comes in several distinct impressions.

It’s often referred to as the “third eye” or clairvoyance, which involves clearly sensing and feeling a certain event is about to occur.

Clairvoyance is usually a mystical response when our third eye or true field of vision, goes beyond what …

Why We Love The Internet And Its Evil Step Child Social Media

There was an anniversary of sorts that recently past, as Facebook was founded in 2004, which unofficially kicked off the social media era. Before that, the Internet, the World Wide Web, was a cold dark scary place. A database of information in digital format, where “spam” was no longer just a mystery meat.

Social media was when the Internet became user friendly, where it became a warm inviting place, and not just geeks trolling and hacking on message boards.

We continue to advance forward into uncharted territory, in regards to …

How To Use The Laws Of The Universe To Get What You Want

Most don’t realize the strong undeniable natural undercurrents, which dictates our behaviour. Those who are unaware or don’t accept they exist, needs an injection of belief. These universal laws were discovered centuries ago which verified their existence, and how they can work in your life today.

If you need anything, anyone, then what you can do is harness these natural laws of the universe yourself.

What most usually want more of in this world is better health, empowerment, wealth, companionship.

Know the universe is controlled and governed by certain laws …