Why We Love The Internet And Its Evil Step Child Social Media

There was an anniversary of sorts that recently past, as Facebook was founded in 2004, which unofficially kicked off the social media era. Before that, the Internet, the World Wide Web, was a cold dark scary place. A database of information in digital format, where “spam” was no longer just a mystery meat.

Social media was when the Internet became user friendly, where it became a warm inviting place, and not just geeks trolling and hacking on message boards.

We continue to advance forward into uncharted territory, in regards to …

How To Use The Laws Of The Universe To Get What You Want

Most don’t realize the strong undeniable natural undercurrents, which dictates our behaviour. Those who are unaware or don’t accept they exist, needs an injection of belief. These universal laws were discovered centuries ago which verified their existence, and how they can work in your life today.

If you need anything, anyone, then what you can do is harness these natural laws of the universe yourself.

What most usually want more of in this world is better health, empowerment, wealth, companionship.

Know the universe is controlled and governed by certain laws …

How To Take Responsibility For The Direction Of Your Life

Your life won’t improve, unless you take full responsibility for it. Responsibility, your decision to be accountable, isn’t saying you’re accepting blame for everything that happens to you. Instead, it’s stating your intent to respond to every situation, to find reason for everything thrown your way.

One of the biggest challenges most face, is thinking their life is spiralling out of control, and it’s fate doing so.

They feel like their circumstances, the events of their lives, have lead them to the torturous route they’re on.

That they’re cursed, and …

How To Establish Success Habits By Knowing Your Purpose

It’s found those who has a primary focus in life, a dream they’re pursuing, having a rock solid main purpose are the most successful of individuals. What they have is extreme passion for what they do for a living, so they’re happy to devote endless hours on a daily basis, driving towards their core purpose.

The reason why most don’t make the income they’re wanting from their business or job, is because they’re doing something they don’t completely believe in.

Once you begin to earn the income you’re wanting, is …

What’s The Positive Change You Can Make In The World Today

Today, this morning, right now at this time, could be the moment you’re going to turn your life around. To get everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Today might be the day you’re going to revolutionize your life. The greatest achievers among us, woke up one day like this one, and decided to change their life.

Their road to greatness then began, which was a culmination of creating, planning, and developing. They decided to take action, as everything came together.

They began to change their life, change the world, as the …