10 Ways To Stop Taking What Everyone Says So Personally

Are you too sensitive to what people say. Realize that person might just be offering constructive criticism, having a bad day or being sarcastic. It’s not always about you. How you react to their antics, once you think someone makes an offsetting remark, they win.

How someone acts, usually has little to do with you. It has more to do with what their state of mind is.

How they’re feeling, how they were raised, how they happen to deal with their emotions.

But you continue to feel slighted, for things beyond your control, because someone said something objective.

It begins with improving your self-esteem, so you can assertively handle the comments more effectively.

10. Completely Assess The Situation

At times, we’ll take things too personally, while blaming ourselves for the bad behavior of someone else.

Someone who’s upset might say, “You ruined everything!” because something wasn’t done right, which was or wasn’t your fault.

It becomes important to assess the situation and circumstances, and then acknowledge their behavior, as it’s usually an overreaction.

Some just can’t regulate or control their emotional response, and it has nothing to do with you, or what you did.

9. Learn To Speak Up

Always make sure your opinion or rebuttal is heard, so speak up. Whenever you feel someone is being rude or disrespectful, make sure you stand up for yourself.

If someone is constantly making inappropriate comments to you or someone else, tell them by voicing how you feel about the remark.

What they may not even realize or be aware of, is how hurtful or aggressive they’re being, and how their comments are affecting you. At times, all they need is to be told.

8. Get Self-Help

Do you constantly respond too sensitively to what others say, and begin to sulk because of the comments they made.

If so, you can help yourself by getting mentally stronger, by taking personal development and self-help courses.

What this type of self-help can do is mentally strengthen you, by identifying the issues which leads to your sensitivity.

What this type of training also provides are strategies for coping, when you need to interact with aggressive or negative people.


7. Always Be Feeding Your Mind

Always find new and exciting ways to improve your current mindset. What creating new ways to feel better about yourself does, is gives you more confidence.

It’s amazing how great starting and finishing something you’ve created yourself, fuels your self-esteem.

What feeding your mind does is builds on itself, as what you’ll discover are interesting new things which sparks intrinsic interest.

Doing so builds up your strength, rather than gaining external satisfaction such as making money or feeding the ego.

6. Physically Look Great

What you need is to make sure you take care of your physical self at all times, which elevates your self esteem. If you look good, you feel good.

Always take the time to take care of yourself first, with proper grooming and dressing, to make sure you look and feel your best.

Keep your attire trendy, your clothes clean and well fitting. Toss out all the old raggedy clothing which no longer fits, are faded, or out of style.

Always be mindful of your posture and always smile, which can improve your outlook and mood.

5. Find Positive People

Choose to surround yourself with others who has a positive outlook in life.

What you’ll develop is more confidence in yourself because of the support, resulting in you being happier, as you know your friends have your back.

Choose to hang out with others who treats you well. Remove toxic negative people from your life.

These are people who constantly treats you poorly, are extremely moody with a big ego. What they’ll do is dump all their issues on you, without giving you support.

4. You Don’t Need Approval

Are you constantly sensitive to how others treat you. Do you feel hurt, and rejected.

What you constantly worry about is doing something wrong or not being liked, while attempting to fix what others don’t like about you.

It becomes important to understand, just because someone is in a bad mood, doesn’t mean you did something wrong, and it shouldn’t affect you.

First of all, who cares. It usually means the person isn’t happy with themselves, and has nothing to do with you.

3. Continue To Help Others

Keep reminding yourself on how you enjoy helping others. This could be volunteering, or just helping a friend in need.

What contributing and helping others does, is feels extremely rewarding which gives you a sense of purpose.

Remind yourself of your greatest attributes, along with the contributions you make to others around you.

So consider volunteering your time at the hospital, the seniors residence, or the local humane society.

2. Write Down Your Goals

What planning ahead, having things to look forward to, making personal goals to work towards, does is gives you a sense of purpose and self-worth.

This propels you to not caring that much about what others think or say about you. You realize it’s their opinion.

So write down all of the personal things you want to improve on. Take each of these goals or issues, and break them down into small actionable steps.

Realize how you can effectively begin working towards your goals, what steps you could take right now.

1. List All Your Strengths

Begin to realize the opinions and behavior of others, are just their own, and has nothing to do with you.

But you become sensitive to their opinions, intentional or not, and then begin to feel doubt, placing too much emphasis on what they say.

When you’re confident in your self and your abilities, these rude or negative comments shouldn’t affect you.

So write down and analyze what all your strengths and abilities are. Keep reminding yourself of the skills you have. Determine if what someone says to you or about you, has any validity.