7 Ways To Naturally Elevate Mood In Tough Times

Endorphins which are activated in the brain, are known as the body’s “feel good” chemicals. Once they’re released, what’s experienced is that natural high, that sudden injection of a boost in mood.

Endorphins also helps in alleviating body and muscle aches and soreness, as it acts as a natural pain reliever.

The problem with endorphins however, is you just can’t tap the brain and release it, once you need some relief.

Whats needed are certain activities so they’ll be activated, this to feel that natural rush. There are a variety …

7 Ways To Improve Your Self Wellness When Growing Older

As you progress into your adult life and begin to age, how would you define the state of your mental wellness. Is it fermenting like fine wine, or are you beginning to show a few cracks. Are there some deficiencies you need to fill.

Once we reach a certain age of adulthood, what we do is reach a peak, a crescendo. We then begin to stabilize and hopefully are fully mature adults.

For most, this occurs sometime in our 30’s, as the mind is considered to be at its peak. …

9 Natural Mind Tricks To Improve Your Memory As You Age

On a daily basis, the human brain is bombarded with a variety of different concepts, facts, dates, and numbers to remember. All the important vital information we think we need, is catalogued. It’s not always possible for the tiring noggin to grasp and remember all of them.

Everyone on occasion forgets. The human mind is no different than any other type of physical memory storage device. There are ways however to refine it better than any other system.

What it’s capable of, is storing information in the form of data, …

7 Ways The Power Of The Mind Heals Ailments In The Body

The brain is the commander of the body. There’s a crystal clear connection, once you direct your brain the way you can to wherever you want that’s beneficial for you, there will be positive results. To direct it in a way your body reacts and feels.

Just as some are able to use their body to reduce psychological distress and turmoil, it’s also possible to use the power of the mind to improve or cure your body.

What it comes down to, is just simply changing the way you think. …

The Theory Of Luck Challenged By The Probability Calculator

As we grow older with time, what accumulates are a series of life events known as experiences. These experiences, good or bad are all categorized and stored as hopefully being useful one day. Most often they’ll remain dormant in the back of our dark moody minds.

The end result is we become superstitious, form likes and dislikes, become scared the experiences we’ve previously had, can potentially come back and bite us.

The alarm doesn’t always go off, you drive around aimlessly looking for a parking spot when in a rush, …