Are you too sensitive to what people say. Realize that person might just be offering constructive criticism, having a bad day or being sarcastic. It’s not always about you. How …
9 Natural Ways To Boost Mood During Times Of Unrest
We humans can suddenly become moody at times, unexpectedly, when there’s uncertainty of the unknown brewing. We can suddenly get sadden by hearing bad news, by the persistent rain, or …
The Real Danger Of Exposing Your Yourself To Digital Screens
The latest hazard of the technological age, is how it damages the brain. This especially for the young, where it has a detrimental effect, because of excess exposure to “blue” …
How To Reenergize Yourself When Feeling Down And Depressed
The reason we feel down in the dumps, is because of the poor habits we adopt. What can result is we falling in a dark hole of despair and feeling …
How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams In Times Like These
There’s a party going on today, to mark a new revolution, a new you. Bookmark this day as you take control of your life saying, “I can do this, it’s …
How To Get Anything You’ve Ever Wanted In Life… Every Time
Take the oath of belief life will scientifically give to you exactly what you ask for, every single time. This Universal law dictates we get what we ask for, provided …
If I Am So Successful In Life Why Do I Feel Like A Failure
You’ve worked hard your entire life, perhaps got a few breaks, yet slaved hard to the bone, sacrificing your life for the almighty dollar. You’ve reached the pinnacle of your …
Welcome To The Darkside It’s Time To Reveal The Spooky
For those living a nontheist lifestyle, what exists on the celebration schedule is this spooky time of year. A festival where there’s thoughts of powerful love spells and potions, while …
How To Rid Of Bad Habits By Altering Your Emotional Response
The most common default switch for most is to get angry, to become upset at themselves and everyone else around them. Even before realizing they’re becoming sad or mad, what …
Reasons Why Not Drinking Enough Water Is Bad For Your Health
What the warmer weather does is it absorbs fluid out of our body, even without we knowing or realizing. The best cure for this is replacing adequate amounts back into …
How To Transform The Daily Ritual Of Life Into Freedom
The protocol goes something like this. We go to school, get the best education we can, which translates into getting the highest paying job. We then exert sweat equity after …
The Need To Learn How To Relax And Let It All Hang Out
Take a look outside all you life worshippers and fun seekers, it’s about time to celebrate. Just let the inhibition down and the anxiety should begin to dissipate. But lately, …