The Real Danger Of Exposing Your Yourself To Digital Screens

The latest hazard of the technological age, is how it damages the brain. This especially for the young, where it has a detrimental effect, because of excess exposure to “blue” digital screens. What this does is throws off our body clock, which disrupts brain chemistry.

What’s known for certain, is this constant exposure, can cause damage to the brain’s frontal lobe.

The constant flickering screen creates havoc, confusion, headaches, and develops poor eyesight.

Since the neck is also in a constant forward prone position, it’s damaging to the spine and back muscles as well.

What’s recommended is taking routine electronic “fasts,” to find time to get away from this addiction, that’s everything digital.

Doing so will instantly reset and synchronize the nervous system, which improves sleep, mood, focus and behaviour.

More Exposure To Nature

What the body needs more of, is the green space that nature provides to improve mental health while increasing our capacity to learn, right now and in the future.

What nature is capable of, is lowering stress levels while restoring focus and a purpose.

All the “greenery” calms the eye and nervous system simultaneously, which creates a state of mindfulness, and better learning.

What exposure to sunlight does, is reduces attention deficit symptoms, especially in the morning.

The bright natural light is capable of restoring disrupted circadian cycles, which encourages restorative sleep.

Incorporate Movement And Exercise

What too much screen time does, is breaks down connectivity in the brain.

What any type of physical exercise and bodily movement does, is the complete opposite.

Exercise is known to combat depression, improve focus, reduce insomnia, addiction, and anxiety.

What constant body movement does is balances the brain chemicals, which becomes altered by using electronics.

Performing regular routine fitness also improves core muscle strength, discharges bottled energy, stimulates the vestibular system, which in turn regulates mood.


Get Proper Sleep

What’s known is too much digital screen time, especially during the evenings does is disrupts sleep, specifically the quality of REM sleep, which lowers the body’s core temperature.

What deep restorative sleep does, is helps the brain reset and re-energize itself for the following day.

It’s recommended you remove anything that’s digital from the bedroom, while keeping the room as cool and dark as possible while sleeping.

Going to bed should be at the same time every night, which signals to the brain and body it’s time to sleep, which results in better rest and improved brain functioning.

Engage In Creativity

What doing creative activities does is stimulates the “right” cortex, which often becomes inactive because of information overload from technology.

What the creative process does, is promotes better brain and body integration. Having an active imagination results in improved problem solving skills.

What too much screen time does is blunts memory, reduces focus and limits concentration.

The brain constantly being fed streams of online stimuli, does is saturates the senses, which neutralizes creativity only the real world can provide.

Practice Mindfulness

What being mindful includes are activities such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. The benefits of engaging in any of these practices can’t be overstated.

Once children begin practising mindful activities, what’s known is they’re calmer, less frustrated, and better adjusted.

The reason for this is because these activities quiets the brain, reduces stress, improves blood flow, and balances the hormones.

What meditation does is increases the thickness of the cortex, while excess exposure to digital screens has the polar effect.

Children suffering from attention deficit disorders, who are taught mindfulness techniques shows improvement in their executive functioning.

Bond With Humans

What’s known is what hugging children does is develops larger more developed brains, especially when the love is needed.

What direct eye contact does, is fosters better bonding, while helping improve brain functioning.

It’s known that human bonding and contact stimulates emotional arousal, develops better sense of self, while improving the capacity for deeper intimacy.

What having healthy human attachments does is avoids addictions, such as “tech” addiction.

Establish A Daily Routine

What having a set routine, such as limiting your screen time at night to one hour, while having mandatory “chores” that needs to be completed on a daily basis, does is improves mental clarity.

Establishing a daily routine has shown it boosts productivity and purpose, while decreasing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, that’s caused by chronic stress.

Mimic Nature As Close As Possible

What too much artificial “light” at night, which includes illuminated rooms or too much screen time, does is confuses the body’s biological clock.

Then it disrupts the regulation of hormones especially in children while altering brain chemistry. What it also causes is moodiness and obesity, which delays logical brain functioning.

What’s recommended is avoiding electronic lighting as much as possible, or flickering digital screens after sundown. Try to get as much natural sunlight during the day as possible.

What the latest energy efficient LED bulbs does, is emits poor light quality, which increases stress and headaches, while worsening eyesight.

The best source of artificial lighting remains the traditional incandescent bulbs, which creates a more natural light environment.

Adjust Screen Brightness Avoid Wi-Fi

For LED TV’s, choose the “natural” screen settings which reduces brightness, which matches the surrounding environment better.

What most digital devices has are apps which will auto adjust itself to the environment.

What doing so does, is blocks out most of the “blue light” they emit, which suppresses natural melatonin.

It’s recommended you go “wired,” for your electronics instead of using Wi-Fi, but that is becoming a problem.

What most aren’t aware of is Wi-Fi emits electromagnetic signals which suppresses melatonin, similar to what excess screen light exposure does.

What using wired Internet also does, is instinctively reduces device usage, while increasing productivity. At the very least, choose to turn off your Wi-Fi at night.

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