How To Make Your Creative Writing Flow Like Streams Of Water

What makes a certain string of words flow in unison, sing in tune like a Sunday morning choir. Some writers or hacks like me, claim to follow a dedicated and particular writing ritual to protocol. Others will swig a glass of wine, chug the coffee, or go for a 10k run.

What they’re able to do is allow their mind to vibrate thoughts into words, and then transmit them through their fingers onto the keyboard. The words become translucent like oil separates water.

For those who are the most successful, …

15 Ways To Improve Memory When Learning Something New

Is having a high IQ a prerequisite for having a good memory? The debate continues if there is a connection, or if improving memory is a learned response despite intelligence. Regardless, a transmission needs to occur, as the learning material needs to be absorbed by the brain to comprehend and store.

There are fortunately strategies to help anyone who needs to learn something, to develop a more efficient effective memory system.

These steps are by no means exhaustive, but rather meant as a starting point to begin and improve.


A Modern Day Definition Of Karma From Its Root Origins

For some, karma has become an exercise and excuse to not do something. To not perform an act that may be detrimental as it may haunt them later, becoming a curse. While for others, it’s become a mainstream belief based solely on complete conjecture.

There are those who are struggling in life, suffering from bad health or financial difficulty, who’ll blame or pinpoint it to some type of karmic retribution.

This because of some bad deed they did in the past or have “sinned,” in either their current life or …

Trust Your Soul On This Mystical Path Of Abundant Living

This is what hits the heart the hardest for anyone who believes in the mystical, that there’s an external influence that’s beyond our realm. Most are fearful that it exists, to others it’s pure conjecture.

Some are lost in the darkness, that faith doesn’t exist, that our society is completely generic, cosmetic, and bland.

Those who believe in magical powers, appear to be on a mission.

Part of it is to help others who still have their feet stuck in clay, those who remain to have naive materialism, and are …

A Lesson In How To Prioritize Your Life In This Busy World

A professor of philosophy stood before his class, silently waiting as the last of his students filed in and found their seats. With a number of different items on the table in front of him, he waited patiently for the last bell. He then lifted a large empty glass beaker over his head for all to see.

Like a magician showing there was nothing up his sleeve, he panned the corners of the room then placed the beaker back on the table.

He then began filling it with golf balls, …