What makes a certain string of words flow in unison, sing in tune like a Sunday morning choir. Some writers or hacks like me, claim to follow a dedicated and …
15 Ways To Improve Memory When Learning Something New
Is having a high IQ a prerequisite for having a good memory? The debate continues if there is a connection, or if improving memory is a learned response despite intelligence. …
Karma Is The Silent Retribution For Your Actions In Life
For some, karma has become an exercise and excuse to not do something. To not perform an act that may be detrimental as it may haunt them later, becoming a …
Trust Your Soul On This Mystical Path Of Abundant Living
This is what hits the heart the hardest for anyone who believes in the mystical, that there’s an external influence that’s beyond our realm. Most are fearful that it exists, …
A Lesson In How To Prioritize Your Life In This Busy World
A professor of philosophy stood before his class, silently waiting as the last of his students filed in and found their seats. With a number of different items on the …
Questions To Ask When Searching For True Purpose In Life
What’s the real reason for going to school anyways. Is it to help organize and train the mind forward towards maturity, to become full fledged functioning adults. Or is the …
Take The How Old Is My Biological Brain Test To Act Your Age
What’s known is the brain doesn’t need to lose nerve cells as it ages, at least not as much as once thought. It was once thought up to 1% percent …
How To Apply The Law Of Multiplication To Create Wealth
The theory being that every motion we make in life as humans, has a calculated predetermined protocol that can be traced. Some claim it’s just a series of scientific steps …
How To Heal By Writing A Story Of Your Unfulfilled Life
We all write for a variety of reasons. For therapy, to expose and exhaust our dark cloudy minds, to release our inner angst by feeling united. You don’t need to …
How To Overcome The Fear Of Selling For A Living
For those who has chosen sales as their occupation, many experience the fear of selling even though it’s their job. This also applies to businesses who knows they need to …
9 Simple Mind Tricks To Improve Your Memory
On a daily basis, the human brain is bombarded with a variety of different concepts, facts, dates, and numbers to remember. It’s not possible for the tiring noggin to grasp …
5 Ways On How To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
It’s been proven time and time again in the real world, it’s Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that’s a better measurement to success in life, rather than possessing a high IQ. Those …