How To Apply The Law Of Multiplication To Create Wealth

The theory being that every motion we make in life as humans, has a calculated predetermined protocol that can be traced. Some claim it’s just a series of scientific steps we can follow, to get whatever we want in life. This case study is based on what most want, which is generating more money.

The belief being, you can follow a step-by-step scientific set of laws that abides to the accumulation of wealth, and once it’s followed it can’t fail.

We’re all familiar with multiplication we learned in school, which is a strict scientific sequence known everywhere. Multiplication can be found in nature, our everyday lives and in business.

The simple multiplication formula being… 1X1=1, 1X2=2, 1X3=3 etc., and so on.

What all living things on this planet does, is expands grows and multiplies using this formula in a precise manner. This mathematical process when applied correctly, can be used to increase wealth.

The Growth Of Humans

The greatest miracle and biggest wonder of science when it comes to mankind, is human growth.

How we as biological individuals, are able to grow from an once invisible microscopic cell, to becoming gigantic organisms, weighing an average of 150 pounds.

There are trillions of cells in the human body, this resulting from one single cell. We become complex organism which multiplies into a multitude of cells as we fully mature.

These cells eventually stop growing, when we’re around 20 years old.

We humans are the ultimate example of the science of multiplication, as is every living organism on earth which are all miracles of growth.

Split And Multiply

We humans, along with the entire animal kingdom, has the ability to evolve into huge complex beings. For people it’s the human genome, that carries unique biological data that’s embedded, which gives precise instruction to the cells, to split and multiply rapidly.

We, like the majority of other animal species, will grow exponentially during the first few years of birth, as the cells divide extremely quickly. This happens because the cells multiply faster than they die off.

Once we reach a certain age, this multiplication process begins to reverse, as new cells no longer regenerate.

Other reasons why cells stop growing can be because of cellular damage and DNA mutation, that’s caused by free radicals.

The Human Cell Protocol

If the cells are able to divide at the same rate as say the cells of a 3 year old child, and it continues to do so until we’re in our forties, we would then become gigantic ten foot beings.

This is unfortunately what also happens with tumor cells. They become immortal, and will continue to multiply and divide, until the body becomes toxic.


This in a nutshell, is the reproductive process of everything that’s living. Organisms reproduce, and will generate offspring of their particular species. Once two cells divide, it results in birth.

Biologically, our struggle between life and death, depends on how our cells reproduce, and how many die off.

If our bodies could somehow regulate and balance the cells that die off, and are able to manage how the process of how cells divide, then we would be able to live forever, as that would be the secret to eternal youth.

The biggest enemy of longevity we face is illness, disease, and accidents. Even without these incidents, we’re genetically programmed to live a certain length of time.

Multiplication And Generating Money

We can extract this same scientific principle and blueprint, and apply it towards our efforts when it comes to making money.

First, realize how science is able to grow matter exponentially, while forcing it to expand dynamically. How an invisible tiny microscopic particle can multiply.

It’s up to you however, to somehow increase it’s growth exponentially. It’s up to you to expand this into a gigantic entity, for this proven scientific fact and procedure to work.

The Miracle Of Compounding Interest

What this leads to, is the proven scientific concept of compound interest. Mathematically, all you need is to double $1,000 ten times, and you’ll end up with one million dollars. That’s the core basics of compound interest.

For instance, say you develop a method of doubling your money every month.

This means earning 100% profit on your investment every 30 days, while getting your original principal back. With a $1,000 investment, you’ll be a millionaire in 10 months.

You begin with $1,000, then:

1. – $2,000
2. – $4,000
3. – $8,000
4. – $16,000
5. – $32,000
6. – $64,000
7. – $128,000
8. – $256,000
9. – $512,000
10. – $1,024,000

Compounding Your Money

What some will do is attempt this compounding multiplication process, by trading the financial markets. The majority will fail however as it’s a zero sum game, proven to be extremely risky.

By attempting to compound your profits this way, you could potentially lose everything quickly. The golden rule of a smart investor, is always start with a small capital investment and a plan.

There are other methods of compounding, some not as risky.

For instance, some people will buy land. The land appreciates in value, then they’ll sell and reinvest the profits by buying more land. They continue this, until their overall wealth multiplies.

Compounding Passive Income

There is a safer method, which is compounding multiple streams of passive income. Doing so isn’t as risky as trading the stock market, and potentially losing all your capital.

Compounding your profits by finding various streams of online income, has proven successful for many. Doing so can make you financially free.

What’s true however is, “No risk, no reward! The bigger the reward, the higher the risk.”

Streams Of Passive Income

Once you have your first income stream and it begins to generate profits for you, then use a portion of the profits to fund new projects.

Once you have two sources of income which generates revenue, then proceed to set up a third passive source, and so on.

Continue to do so, until you’re comfortable with the number of streams of income you have, or you’ve reached the amount of money that’s comfortable for you.

The greatest benefit when it comes to passive income, is you don’t need to be actively working on them to generate money.

You can set up income sources on the Internet, which can produce money for you on autopilot.

All that’s required to manage these multiple streams of income is maintenance, which can take just a few hours per week.

The Science Of Multiplication

These are the basic rules and examples of positive growth, on how you’re able to apply certain scientific laws of multiplication for your business, as you become profitable.

There are proven methods of scientifically applying the law of physics and multiplication to increase your wealth, that are known to work.

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