Learning To Control Just The Things You Can In Life

We’re just this one singular entity, a speck, just another “number” in this massive world we live in. We can somewhat control our lives, our destiny, such as our health, what we eat or how we behave. But beyond that, most external things are out of our hands, and we can’t do much about it.

This becomes apparent as young children, as from birth, we’re told how to act, what type of clothes to wear, to mind our manners.

What we’re taught in school is curriculum education, learning about ourselves, …

How To Apply The Law Of Multiplication To Create Wealth

The theory being that every motion we make in life as humans, has a calculated predetermined protocol that can be traced. Some claim it’s just a series of scientific steps we can follow, to get whatever we want in life. This case study is based on what most want, which is generating more money.

The belief being, you can follow a step-by-step scientific set of laws that abides to the accumulation of wealth, and once it’s followed it can’t fail.

We’re all familiar with multiplication we learned in school, which …

Using The Science Of Multiplication To Build Passive Wealth

how compound interest worksEverything that we do in life comes down to a formula, some claim a series of scientific facts which one can precisely follow to get on track to get whatever it is we want. The majority of us want more wealth in our lives, which these scientific laws apply to.

One of the purest mathematical formulas is the magic of multiplication, it’s with us everywhere in nature, life and business. All living things on this earth tends to expand, they grow and multiply in a precise manner. This process if …