Why You Need To Ask Yourself These Life Altering Questions

There comes that moment in time, sometime during our lives, when you feel lost in the dark with no direction. There comes a time, where we need to choose the next path. Perhaps right now is that moment for you. Maybe you’re ready to alter your destiny, starting today. It’s time to look forward to better days.

Maybe it’s finally time to leave that stagnant relationship, one that’s been sputtering. It’s the moment you realize the job you have is a dead end, going nowhere, and you want to make …

7 Ways The Power Of The Mind Heals Ailments In The Body

The brain is the commander of the body. There’s a crystal clear connection, once you direct your brain the way you can to wherever you want that’s beneficial for you, there will be positive results. To direct it in a way your body reacts and feels.

Just as some are able to use their body to reduce psychological distress and turmoil, it’s also possible to use the power of the mind to improve or cure your body.

What it comes down to, is just simply changing the way you think. …

How To Apply The Law Of Multiplication To Create Wealth

The theory being that every motion we make in life as humans, has a calculated predetermined protocol that can be traced. Some claim it’s just a series of scientific steps we can follow, to get whatever we want in life. This case study is based on what most want, which is generating more money.

The belief being, you can follow a step-by-step scientific set of laws that abides to the accumulation of wealth, and once it’s followed it can’t fail.

We’re all familiar with multiplication we learned in school, which …

3 Steps To Manifesting Exactly What You Want In Life

What we think of the most, what our most persistent thoughts are does is creates what we want, so believe you can build a life of your dreams. All it takes is just a few steps, which will bring you closer to what you want. It begins with believing your thoughts is what manifests things to become reality.

Realize the world you live in today, is the total sum of someone’s previous thoughts. What these thoughts did was shaped our modern day life, the one we often take for granted. …

7 Poor Life Habits That Accelerates The Aging Process

At some point in our lives, what we decide is to take better care of our health, as we set a quest to preserve and prolong our lives. This opposed to when we were younger as teenagers, what we wanted was to grow up as quickly as possible to become full fledged adults.

Then there’s a turning point in our mid lives, when we want to start looking and feeling younger, and will push towards giving all our efforts and resources for longevity.

As a result, what’s spawned is a …