A Compilation Of Characteristics All Successful People Share

What’s known is there are certain commonalities, characteristics all successful individuals have in common with one other. What’s also known is they live a life that’s not really that different from your or I, or those who may not be as successful.

Once anyone reaches a certain maturity and majority of age, what we want is to become as successful as possible in what we do.

That’s the ultimate dream of being human. This also grants us the freedom on how we choose to live our life, the empowerment it …

What Is Blockchain And How It Will Legitimize The Internet

Blockchain is the core technology, the elemental string of code, that runs crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. This is revolutionary, similar to how the World Wide Web, the Internet, was first introduced decades ago. The Internet as we know, completely altered how we now think and live.

What many associate blockchain with, is it’s something to do with digital currency, but it goes far beyond that.

Like anything else that boldly predicts to alter the world as we know it, skepticism sets in. In the next few years, prepare to …

How We Fall Victim To Our Desperate Need For Materialism

What we the mass herd of humanity is constantly forced into, is blindly complying to society’s economical materialistic value system, which is driven by greed. We do so while ignoring the stern warnings that were issued at the dawn of the twenty first century.

The dictators of that time, warned us our lives would be ruled by corporate manipulation.

We know companies will frequently go in and out of business, or they’ll merge to form huge conglomerates, to exert an ever growing brand influence over the general public.

Goods, products …

How To Start The Path Towards Attracting Prosperity

Becoming wealthy is more of a feeling. It’s an abundant state of mind rather than naming a dollar amount you have accrued in your bank account. Those who are rich with money can feel emotionally poor, while those who are poor, can feel intrinsically rich.

Feeling wealthy is about believing you have everything you need. A belief of having personal peace, prosperity and happiness.

What you want to reach, is the feeling of being able to completely enjoy your wealth.

Some will work 60 hours per week, hoard every penny, …

Welcome To The New Economy Which Is Working From Home

Imagine starting your new work day from home, sipping a cup of freshly ground coffee as you turn on your laptop. Gone are the days of traffic jams, people hurriedly going in every direction, pushing and shoving on the subway, battling their way to the job.

You’re glad you made the shift to work from home, where the workforce is trending anyways, especially in the new economy we now live in.

The business world is now downsizing as everything can now be performed online, with routes such as e-commerce, affiliate …