Welcome To The New Economy Which Is Working From Home

Imagine starting your new work day from home, sipping a cup of freshly ground coffee as you turn on your laptop. Gone are the days of traffic jams, people hurriedly going in every direction, pushing and shoving on the subway, battling their way to the job.

You’re glad you made the shift to work from home, where the workforce is trending anyways, especially in the new economy we now live in.

The business world is now downsizing as everything can now be performed online, with routes such as e-commerce, affiliate marketing, lead generation, etc.

There’s no longer the need to rush to your cubicle at the office downtown, as the “rat race” is becoming a distant memory.

The Rush Of Work

What you can avoid is the biggest stress of any work day, which is the mad process of getting to and from work.

This involves battling traffic, pushing and shoving at the coffee line, as there’s a frantic race to make it to work by 9.

Working from home has now become the new norm, a soluble option as duel household incomes are now becoming a necessity, as daycare and other associated costs are skyrocketing.

Thanks to technology, where a small handheld electronic device is now capable of performing any business related task securely online and globally, as the economic landscape is shifting.

No Job Security

What’s obvious is the economy is shrinking, as the “boss”’ can ask you in their office, and suddenly produce that dreaded pink slip, as you’ve been replaced or laid off.

Competition or poor economic conditions forces organizations to downsize, outsource, to maximize shrinking profits. Technology is now slowly but surely replacing human labour.

But Working From Home Is Too Distracting

Many are quick to claim however, working from home needs a special brand of entrepreneurial individual. It’s believed difficult to remain motivated and focused working on your own, alone.

You can easily become distracted, as there are competing demands such as the baby crying, or attempting to beat boredom and loneliness. Procrastination becomes a key deterrent.

You might soon have no other option however, as entering the shrinking workforce to find a job is becoming more difficult than ever.

The New Digital Workforce

Thankfully the baby boomers, along with those freshly out of college and needing to find work are raised on everything digital, or have adapted to learn everything digital.

This includes texting on smartphones at rapid speed, using Skype or Zoom for conference calls, marketing on Instagram, are all now second nature.

If you’re a latte toting hipster, just been laid off or recently retired, there’s now a completely new income opportunity which is working from home, to replace the traditional 9-to-5.

No Need To Commute

What’s stressful is the battle of fighting traffic to get to work on time every morning, as there’s road rage warfare in every large city.

They’re all frantically attempting to get to work on time, as the nerves become aggressive and angry.

The mental as well as emotional fatigue of this daily grind makes you exhausted by noon, resulting in less productivity at work.

The idea of not needing to leave home to earn money, avoiding hours of stress and frustration are immediately avoided when working from home.

Healthier Options Now Available

What becoming frantic causes is making poor judgment, such as developing poor eating habits, when at the downtown office.

What a hectic work environment in the morning does, is throws out any intent of eating healthy. Anything that’s available is devoured, to satisfy the mid morning hunger pangs.

When working from home in a calm controlled environment, it becomes possible to plan a healthy eating regiment in advance.

You can boil a few eggs, bake fresh banana bread, then enjoy hot afternoon tea.

What’s possible is arranging the day to hit the gym in the morning, to break up the lull before lunch.

You can refresh and jump start the brain, by going for a jog in the sun at 2PM. The time and energy saved, can be use for yoga, meditation, or lifting weights.

Accumulated Fatigue Is Eliminated

Working in an office environment where there are constant demands and deadlines, the furthest from your mind is getting physical exercise. At the end of the work day, you feel physically famished.

What’s known, is it’s biologically impossible to feel physical fatigue, when sitting behind a desk all day. Many will mistake mental fatigue as being physically tired.

What the body is screaming for is physical movement, which releases mental tension.

This is completely possible when working from home, as there’s more mindful awareness that’s placed on physically moving around.

You can set up mini-breaks during the day such as cleaning the house, or taking the dog out for a walk, etc.

What’s known is being confined to a cubicle at the office, competing with work colleagues while needing to multi-task, becomes tiring and distracting, resulting in less work productivity.

Increases Work Production

The overall impact of being in a better mood by working from home, results in the mind being more calm, which promotes more work getting done.

Being more relaxed, allows for clearer thinking and creatively, which promotes focusing better on the immediate task at hand.

Often, many think they’re being productive, but are actually just spinning their wheels, as there’s nothing being accomplished which is noticeable or outstanding.

The Ever Shrinking Work Force

The new focus now is on efficiency, and it’s we the human workforce who are the casualties, as we are being removed or replaced by technology.

What’s emphasized is time management and more production, resulting in the workers eventually burning out.

There are increasingly more individuals, who are now making the switch to working from home, escaping the corporate rat race.

They’re finding a safe haven working from home, which also allows them to find the time to put fresh dinner on the table nightly, get in shape by exercising, while finding sane piece of mind.

Others are choosing to take the leap of faith, and deciding to use their skill sets to become entrepreneurs.

This economic shift is on a mission to downsize, which is leaving the giant office towers downtown vacant.

This movement in the workforce is now noticeable and picking up steam. The cliche is becoming true, it’s better to work smarter and not harder.

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