Friday, January 24th, 2025
Those who write as a career are unappreciated, which is fact. You spend hours planning, writing, rewriting and editing your work, only to have it rejected once you have the courage to publish it. Wouldn’t it be great to have a proven resource to get paid for your efforts?
Well, now there is! There’s an excellent opportunity where you can earn money from Online Writing, and You Can Start Today – CLICK HERE.
When starting this or anything new, you need to kick down the front door with an open mind and your judgment suspended.
Most importantly, leave any old training and ingrained ideas about the topic you are learning, outside the door.
Writing is absolutely no exception to this rule. It’s found much easier to completely clean the slate and start new everyday.
CHECK “YES” If You Agree To The Following:
– Do you own a computer or a mobile device and have Internet access?
– Do you have free time available to start your own online business part-time or full-time?
– Can you follow direction by learning the lessons of a concise training program?
– Are you capable of writing detailed articles reports and reviews on time or are willing to learn?
– Are you reliable and promise to treat this like a real job and not just a hobby?
– Do you want to stop jumping from one job or program to the next with nothing to show for it?
– Do you want to create your own online job or business you can be proud of to show your loved ones?
If You Ticked 4 Or More Boxes> – CLICK HERE
How would you like to set up your own work from home office, and claim a portion of your rent or mortgage, computer and Internet usage as a business expense?
Your Fresh New Perspective Is Needed
What’s needed are opportunity seekers, rather than trained journalists or graduates of writing courses, especially when it comes to the basics of freeing the imagination for writing content.
• For those who think they need to write it perfectly the first time – Unlearn that!
• Those who think they need to write from the logical left side of the brain – Unlearn that!
• For those who think only a gifted few can write well – Unlearn that!
• And for those who think they can only write when touched by the muses – Unlearn that as well!
If you can think and speak, then you can write. Period. No other prerequisites are required.
There’s Only What You Take With You
The world of writing is a place of your actual life experiences and dreams, mixed with your imagination.
You venture into this world to retrieve the images, feelings, impressions and ideas in a way that’s truly unique to you.
What you can learn are the only things you can encounter. There are the things you take in with you.
No one else on the planet, or in history for that matter, is where you are right now. No one has been through what you’ve been through, or has your own unique view of the world.
Honour these views and experiences. Allow them to flow freely through your fingers.
It is only when you write freely, and others will relate to your words. Readers can spot a fake a mile away.
If You Don’t Try Then There Is No Try
This may come as a surprise but you should never try to write well, or you will never write well at all.
Never try, just do. In other words, capture first thoughts, keep the pen moving, let yourself write complete garbage. Then rewrite and rewrite again.
Just do it. Just write. It is only by sitting down every day and writing is when you become a writer.
Your Strength Starts From The Flow
Allow the subconscious, your imagination to engage. As a writer, your strength flows from your collective experiences and impressions.
A place where your memories are buried, just waiting to be exhumed as challenges for your characters.
The ability to exercise these creative muscles, keeping them strong and toned, is the fuel that will power your stories.
There Is Never No Reason Why
One of the greatest leaps you can make in your writing, and indeed in your life, is the ability to stop asking why! Do not seek permission for anything you write.
Never seek the reason for the images you see, the voices you hear, the impressions you get, the dialogue you write. It just is.
It is, because it’s you, and only you, who can write what you write at this time. As soon as you stop to ask why, you drop into an analytical frame of mind, and the genius is lost.
The creativity of your flow becomes stifled, your imagination cannot function.
Let the critics ask why, that’s their job. Your only answer to the question of why only needs to be, “because it was there.”
The Effort Is Doing The Work
When it comes to writing, or any other art form, talent or genius actually counts for very little.
Writing is a craft, and like any other craft, the writer needs to work at it constantly, honing skills and refining technique.
Study your craft, learn from many teachers, add to your skill set, and it will make you a much better writer.
It was Michael Jordan who said, “The harder I trained, the luckier I became.” Keep studying, always be learning, always be training.
As a writer you are like an athlete. Professional athletes don’t hang out at home all week, or spend their days surfing or playing golf.
They train, they practice, they work out at the gym, and it’s doing so that gives them the strength, skill and finesse to win. You are no different.
It’s Only Different In Your Mind
Life is lived in the human mind. The advances in quantum physics have proven the universe arose from collective thought.
This means you can influence anything in your life, simply by the thought you put into it. The same goes for your writing.
We’ve all heard the saying. “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!”
If you think you can sell more books than Dr. Seuss, you’ve got a greater chance to do so, than someone who thinks they can’t.
Anything is achievable for you as a writer, as long as you place the effort and the thought into it, you will succeed.
Learn To Command What You Do
It’s known one of the most frustrating deterrents of becoming a writer, is to find the time to actually write. To not procrastinate.
If you hold down a full time job, run a business, or have a family to care for with an active social life, it can be difficult.
It’s tempting and easy to say, “I’ll write that novel next year, when the kids are grown, when I retire” etc.
This is where self control is needed and imperative, to the success of your creative writing endeavours.
You only need to write one article a day, which can take as little as 30 minutes, and in a year you will have 365 articles, or chapters to a novel.
Don’t wait, learn to control your inner voice that says, “You can’t do it”, or “Don’t be so selfish.” or “The car needs to be washed.”
Sit down and write every day. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Immediate Home Based Writers Needed Online
Take your writing lessons, and your writing sessions, in bite-sized pieces.
When you are learning new writing techniques, take the lessons at a pace that keeps you stimulated, but not overwhelmed.
Taking on too many new ideas or concepts at once, can tend to muddy the creative and productive process.
It is best to learn a new technique, then practice it and master it before moving onto the next one.