7 Ways To Naturally Elevate Mood In Tough Times

Endorphins which are activated in the brain, are known as the body’s “feel good” chemicals. Once they’re released, what’s experienced is that natural high, that sudden injection of a boost in mood.

Endorphins also helps in alleviating body and muscle aches and soreness, as it acts as a natural pain reliever.

The problem with endorphins however, is you just can’t tap the brain and release it, once you need some relief.

Whats needed are certain activities so they’ll be activated, this to feel that natural rush. There are a variety …

How Learning To Forgive Others Removes Restrains Of The Past

It’s up to you to get past your ego and choose to forgive, otherwise you’re being a prisoner of your past. It holds you back from reaching your true potential. Let go of the burden of shame on your shoulders, the grudges and the revenge you hold, becoming a victim of your emotions.

All this does is impedes your forward progress. What you release is the power to heal yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, which will set you free.

By carrying resentment and old hurts of the past, you’re …

A Modern Day Definition Of Karma From Its Root Origins

For some, karma has become an exercise and excuse to not do something. To not perform an act that may be detrimental as it may haunt them later, becoming a curse. While for others, it’s become a mainstream belief based solely on complete conjecture.

There are those who are struggling in life, suffering from bad health or financial difficulty, who’ll blame or pinpoint it to some type of karmic retribution.

This because of some bad deed they did in the past or have “sinned,” in either their current life or …

The 5 Different Money Personality Types Which One Are You

What just the mention of money does is it activates the deepest of emotions in many. Are you motivated by scarcity or abundance. Are you cheap or are you generous, realizing money is just an infinite symbol, and something you can’t take with you once you pass away.

Do you have the peace of mind to spread it around to others. Do you realize it’s just an universal energy, which doesn’t belong to anyone or stay in your pocket for long.

Do you enjoy to distribute it or rather hoard …

A Lesson In How To Prioritize Your Life In This Busy World

A professor of philosophy stood before his class, silently waiting as the last of his students filed in and found their seats. With a number of different items on the table in front of him, he waited patiently for the last bell. He then lifted a large empty glass beaker over his head for all to see.

Like a magician showing there was nothing up his sleeve, he panned the corners of the room then placed the beaker back on the table.

He then began filling it with golf balls, …