Familiar Routines The Most Brilliant Individuals In Life Do

How could those who’s accomplished so much in life be that different from us. People all react like people do. So how radically polar do those who are brilliant, think differently from us mere mortals from the puppet village, who are constantly spinning our wheels sideways.

There’s an obvious stream of radical thinking which occurs. The most brilliant of individuals on this planet, must have distinct thought patterns by behaving differently.

Then they follow through on their instincts by taking action. What they have is different neural programming.

What are the most common identifying factors of these high achievers, who excels beyond us to fame and fortune.

What’s known is that some of the more notable traits of their distinct thinking patterns, can be learned by anyone.

They Don’t Socialize Much

The theory being those who dedicate their time to be overly social are wasting their lives. The whole process appears fake to them, those gossip divas and egotistical blowhards.

This stands out especially when out in public or social gatherings, where gossiping means talking loudly, talking spew. Being brash to as many people as possible becomes tiring and boring.

Those who are brilliant would rather keep to themselves and only socialize sparingly. They just choose to withdraw themselves, finding being gregarious a chore.

What they’ve discovered is having an active social life saps their energy which could be used more productively, so they avoid the distraction.

They realize it’s just an act those with empty lives do, those who wants to be socially popular.

They Don’t Get Distracted

What all these brilliant achievers protect themselves against, is the temptation of distraction, especially in this cluttered electronic world we live in.

Concentrating is when they get their best most productive work done, while isolating themselves to focus on just the things that need to be accomplished, and everything else is deflected or eliminated.

They avoid the constant barrage of technological noise, which can batter and sidetrack their minds and time in different directions, which delays getting work done.

They shelter themselves from being bothered by something that’s arbitrarily said about them. What they’ve established is a one track mind that’s dedicated to being in focus.

They Spend Time To Reflect

These individuals are prone to the constitutional, as they believe it clears their minds. The majority perform this maintenance by just taking a long walk in the forest, or going for a run at the park.

Taking a quiet stroll is the most logical to them as it’s the most convenient, rather than going to a busy gym which presents too many distractions.


The most brilliant of individuals welcome mother nature first, observing sculpted landscapes which sculpts their minds.

They Take Their Time

Which means they don’t panic, or surrender to the hustle of getting things done too quickly, which opens the door to making mistakes.

They would rather formulate their ideas, write them down, and revisit them later to make sure they still make logical sense.

What they prefer is to leave something in reserve, so they can dwell on it, or use it to help them get activated the following day to take action.

There are exceptions however, where some will work furiously to get the job done.

They Believe In Precise Detail

They delve deep in precise detail to decide why certain things occur on cue, to find a connection and seek out how and why certain things in the world collide.

They find what’s lacking, do their diligent research and then attempt to fill in the missing gaps.

Some have a habit of counting all the objects around them, then search for a correlation to solve their problems. Others will count every word they type into their word processor to keep track.

What they do is place a number and a price on everything they do, such as placing a value on their achievements to gauge their progress and worth.

They proceed ahead if it’s feasible, leaving the uncertainty of emotion out of it.

They Enjoy Uninterrupted Work

Which in this day and time is not that easily achieved, especially in this crowded world where everyone is expected to share and cooperate, connect in open offices, communes, and tribes.

Thinking on the straight and narrow is difficult enough. What thinking brilliantly requires is astonishing silence.

What all those who achieve in this world have is a secret private office where all their mad work is done, as what they crave for is peace and quiet.

The Need For Relationships

What these brilliant successful people also realize is they can’t isolate themselves forever, they cannot operate entirely alone by themselves.

In order to maintain a life balance, what they realize is they need mental equilibrium, a fine balance.

They have a few people who are close to them, who believes and trusts in them, understands their finicky ways, and most importantly are able to tolerate them and their whims.

If this tolerance runs out, then they know their success can find another tolerant partner, as they can be obsessive, narcissistic, demanding, unorthodox.

As a result, it takes a special breed of person to tolerate and endure them.

Just To Get Along

These are the individuals who claims to know and have solved the needs of mankind and the human mind, yet they can’t solve their own tyrannic ways.

Brilliant people can be moody and manipulative, controlling, while also be grateful and fun loving.

Ultimately, what every brilliant person doesn’t realize is they’re brilliant, as they’re just being themselves. They just do things which they find are absorbing and logical.

They may come up with something that’s genuinely groundbreaking, but who appoints them genius. It’s often a group of academics or the media, who point’s out their breakthroughs, but it’s rarely them.

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