We as children are given the freedom to dream. You can be anything you want, yes anything. Every child is fortified with unique ambition and infinite fantasy. Where most of …
Gaming Consoles
To Be Politically Correct In This Culture Sensitive World
Once upon a time not too long ago, being “politically” correct meant speaking with consideration towards others. Such as telling people what they wanted to hear. Now, it’s reduced to …
How To Get Anything You’ve Ever Wanted In Life… Every Time
Take the oath of belief life will scientifically give to you exactly what you ask for, every single time. This Universal law dictates we get what we ask for, provided …
How To Build Trust And Integrity With All Your Relationships
During this period of time in history, these uncertain times, this era of life we live in, what we’re confronted with is a world full of deceit and mistrust towards …
The Need To Alter Your Attitude Once Life Gets You Down
What formulates in our lives is our thoughts which turns into beliefs, which turns into habits and then establishes as attitudes. Changing these attitudes can become one of the most …
The Honest Truth On Knowing If Someone Is Lying To You
One of the most popular genres in cinema is about the scam, shysters, the con artists among us, those who outright lie. Unethically extracting their mark from their money. They …