How To Reenergize Yourself When Feeling Down And Depressed

The reason we feel down in the dumps, is because of the poor habits we adopt. What can result is we falling in a dark hole of despair and feeling blue. What this results in is low energy, while the rate of productivity slows down to a halt, prompting the feeling of misery.

As the energy level begins to plummet, it becomes more difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This can result in a more daunting task to pull out of, especially if there’s no awareness on how certain actions, can stagnant or influence energy levels.

The first instinct is to slow down or lay down, sit and rest, be quiet, consult your doctor for prescription help.

What these actions are doing however is compounding and contributing to the lack of energy, causing the feeling of being more tired and unproductive.

To Pump You Up

Fortunately, there are natural steps you can take once this attack on the brain begins. If you find yourself feeling this way far too often, there are therapeutic measures to take.

Once the energy levels begin to dip, what’s recommended are certain proactive steps to feel better.

Start slow and choose something that feels most comfortable to you.

Slow But Steady

The reason to begin slowly is because energy moves on the principle of inertia. The lower the energy is, the more difficult it becomes to make it accelerate forward.

If your energy is too high, it also becomes difficult to slow it down as momentum rules, and the adrenaline rushes.

The goal becomes to build it up gradually, similar to a locomotive or the first few pedals of a bike.

There are also several ways to accelerate this momentum of energy. Whenever you’re feeling a little low, then begin slow, gradually speeding up the pace.

Once your energy begins to generate and picks up steam, each task then becomes easier to do.

Go Outside Get Sunshine And Fresh Air

There’s a reason why some flock to the warmer climates where there’s a great deal of natural sunshine and heat, where there’s no effort needed to enjoy the great outdoors.

The benefits of sunshine along with fresh air are naturally stimulating, and becomes care free.

But for many, once they feel in the dumps or low on energy, the temptation is to remain solitude indoors, depriving themselves of these natural energy boosters.


To Become More Upbeat

The easiest way it’s found is listening to some up tempo music, so crank up the volume at home or put on your headphones at work, and bop to some high energy tunes to lift your spirits.

If you’re not feeling that energetic however, the tendency of listening to your favourite music isn’t there.

So force yourself if you have to, and keep in mind that the therapy of music can transform your mindset towards the brighter.

Do Something Physical

It could be as simple as a brisk walk around the block. What’s known is body movement becomes critical, as exercising is the surefire cure to elevate mood.

To get yourself out of the moody blues, shake yourself out of bed, get your butt off that chair, and find a way to move around to get your blood circulating.

Make Sure You Look Good

What most won’t bother doing is pay attention to their personal appearance and grooming, once they’re feeling a bit depressed, when in a low energetic state of mind.

Even if you have to force yourself, get up and about, get yourself together by grooming yourself. Once you look better, you’ll begin to feel better.

What better grooming also prompts is getting tempted to go outdoors to face the world, when feeling down.

Most don’t want to be seen looking their worst, so looking better encourages going out less daunting.

Clean Up Around You

Just slowly tidy up your surroundings. What’s not required is a major house cleaning, but just straighten up some of the immediate clutter.

Doing so is guaranteed to make you feel better, by actively cleaning up a small messy area of annoying chaos in your home or office.

The more things there are to clean up, the better off you’ll feel. So if your immediate surroundings are a tad untidy, push yourself hard to get down and tackle the task.

Eat And Live More Healthy

Whenever you eat, make sure it’s something healthy and wholesome. Make it an effort to eat as pure, organic, and close to mother nature as possible.

Consume natural foods that are nutritious and energy rich, such as blueberries, spinach, salmon, or any other high energy food.

Instead of snacking on comfort foods such as potato chips, cookies or soda which is the temptation, eat carrot sticks or yogourt instead.

When Feeling Blue

Low energy can strike anyone at anytime, and once feeling down, it will reduce the rate of productivity. This slows down momentum, making it more difficult to generate higher vibration.

The goal is to gradually generate traction and then repeat the process. Eventually, what occurs is the energy will begin to regenerate, making you feel like your dynamic self.

After some initial effort, the things on your “to-do” list will then become less threatening. You’ll begin the day with a spring in your step, eager to tackle any challenge.

Keep in mind what it takes are baby steps. Begin by completing small tasks, one at a time, progressing forward towards the next one.

This feeling of accomplishment then contributes to your overall energy, which should help in getting you out of that funk, making you look forward to the day.

Keep in mind these solutions are for those temporary moments of moodiness which afflicts many, while it’s realized some may have deeper more psychological issues underlying.

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