There’s a party going on today, to mark a new revolution, a new you. Bookmark this day as you take control of your life saying, “I can do this, it’s my time.” What you want is to find meaningfulness once you reflect back and proudly say, “I’m going to live my life how I want to.”
Make a list of the things you’re most happy about, the type of person you are turning out to be.
It’s all about vision, once you sit yourself down, and think out what you want from your life, how you can contribute and experience.
At this point in your life, you become more aware of the people around you, more aware of your thoughts, to experience the magic of the moment.
Say out loud, “I am here, I have arrived, this is me, this is the person I choose to be.”
Take The Right Action
Some refuse to believe in themselves. They find themselves in unknown territory, uncertain, and can’t figure the puzzle out. They don’t have the confidence or self-esteem, to put faith in themselves.
Once the rocky storms of life hits home, they’re not prepared. They’re not mindful to realize there’s hardship, struggle, and frustration in life.
Some will take advantage of them, abuse them, become jerks, but they do nothing. What’s needed is to find a way out of it.
Expect struggle, and be ready to fight. Convince yourself you can solve any mystery that life throws your way.
That you have the faith and knowledge, the skills and the ability, to master life. When it comes to sink or swim, you fly.
Just Have Fun Chase Your Dreams
What you need is vision, dreams, to convince yourself you’re going to have fun on this journey for the remainder of your life.
Know at times it’s going to suck. There will be times you need to deal with others you don’t like, or hate what you’re doing.
Whatever you’re dealing with, just say “this too will pass,” and “I’m going to have fun once it does.”
Become proactive, see beyond the storm. Always look forward, be enthusiastic, remain hopeful, and believe things will turn out fine.
Find slivers of light in the darkest moments. Decide to bring joy to that situation. Make sure you show up and decide to make a difference regardless of what happens.
Make it a promise, a dedication to yourself to have fun in everything you do, especially when the wolf is kicking at your door.
Patience And Persistence
Life may not be progressing as fast as you’re wanting. Practice patience, do your part, do all you can, do a good job.
Things rarely go as planned, so don’t beat yourself up or stray from your vision. Stop being in such a hurry.
The worst of human behaviour and vices stems from impatience, wanting an immediate payoff, feeling entitled to have things right now, without allowing for life to struggle.
Struggle will test your patience. Remain disciplined and focused, while doing the right thing by staying on course.
Know once you consistently display patience, the angels will stop at your feet and success will eventually arrive.
Become A Lifelong Learner
Learn to learn, show resilience. Learn the lessons of the struggle then solve them, all because of your persistence.
What you’re then allowing is the process to take place, you’re allowing the Universe to align itself with your dreams and desires.
Make an oath you’re not going to stop. You’re that peaceful warrior with silver armour, who’s battling closer everyday. You’re fighting to move forward while remaining mindful and cool.
You’re accepting everything that’s happening right now, while continually taking action. It’s this persistence of action and behaviour that gets you ahead.
You no longer just start something and don’t follow through, as that’s a waste of time, as you now have the fight.
Love Everyone
Every human participates in this thing called life, some do it better than others. Most are doing the best they can.
Loving and respecting everyone becomes key, not only because of your connection with them, but for your own destiny.
It becomes critical to your legacy, who you’re remembered as. It’s critical to your legend, your status, that you were a good person, that you cared about others.
To love others, to envelope the divine energy that’s love and it’s all around you. Amplify it, and give it back to them. See yourself as this vessel of good vibes, that you spread to other humans.
Respect Everyone
It becomes critical to respect everyone you know, everyone you meet. Accept the life they choose to live.
Allow everyone to voice their own opinion, to display their own life experiences, allow them to follow their own dreams.
Let them follow their own life rules, and be okay with it. Allow them to live their own life, wish them luck.
Accept, understand, be empathetic, remain sympathetic and compassionate. Always be kind to others, realize all of their struggles .
To A New Beginning
This is the connection which ultimately makes you feel human. To be loved while loving others. Make loving others a priority, your intention, and practice it daily.
Make others around you feel you’re always attentive to them, to the point they feel adored and appreciated.
Make them feel your love, and make sure it’s genuine. What they then feel, is you are a loving caring individual, someone truly unique.
Always have this intention for everyone. Care about them so much, that they eventually return the love back to you.
You then feel blessed and fulfilled by getting back the same message of light that birthed you. Peace out.