How To Create An Abundance Mindset Before Attracting Money

It’s easy to think if you’re struggling in life, short on money and hope, the world is conspiring against you. That life is a cruel unfriendly place and you’re cursed. There you are, working feverishly at your job, but there’s more money going out than coming in.

It’s an uphill struggle, as you can’t seem to get ahead. What this does is leaves you in a state of despair, as stress and anxiety mounts.

You begin to count pennies instead of dollars, while others close to you appears to be better off financially.

Realize this is just an illusion. Despite you currently being in a tight financial situation, you’re a lot more richer than you think you are.

Once you realize how fortunate your life is, then you can plant in your mindset, money is within your grasp.

Then your money situation will begin to shift dramatically in your favour, as you’ll realize abundance isn’t just about money in pocket.

Once you realize there are different types of abundance available to you without investment, and once you focus on them, then the monetary riches will follow.

Generating Creative Abundance

Realize the universe didn’t invent the money we know today, such as coins, bills and ATM’s. It’s just a global accounting system to keep track.

To accumulate abundance doesn’t cost a dime, such as having a torrent of great ideas swirling around in your head.

There’s no cost for your thoughts, as you can have as many brilliant ideas as you want.

Once you have a new brilliant idea, this new thought form literally travels around the universe and through time.

So dare to dream as big as possible, and the world will surrender at your feet.

Every penny that comes your way, is generated because of the manifestation of the ideals of you and everyone else.

Freedom Of Choice

Hopefully as an individual you’re fully capable, and currently enjoy freewill in your life. You have the freedom of choice, such as how you choose to live your life.

If your current circumstances isn’t what you want, you have the opportunity to change it to something you’re dreaming of. This paves the road towards what you want.

Choose a different habit, a different job, a different relationship, a different place to live. What you have is the freedom of choice, so choose wisely and take action.


Realize Your Potential

The reason why some remain broke, is because they don’t have the confidence to realize how gifted they are.

They’re locked into a victims mentality, a prisoner of their own mind. There are the constant excuses to explain why they don’t have whatever it is they want.

Excuses such as, “I’m not pretty enough,” “not smart enough,” I’m so boring,” and a variety of other similar phrases.

The truth is, no one’s ever been appointed or singled out to have more talent than anyone else. We’re all uniquely and abundantly gifted differently.

So the key becomes to find out what your particular gift is that will make you rich, and do so before it’s too late.

This process involves experience, trial and error, feedback, and honest personal self-assessment.

Eventually you’ll come across the treasure chest that will grant you endless riches. So go find your talent, and you’ll be rewarded.

Cherish Your Good Health

Even if you’re low on finances, you can bask in the glow of your good health, which is hopefully still with you.

The biggest irony of this modern day, is most will work extremely long hours, only to spend all their money to fix the stress that’s caused by working so hard.

Most will save their money just to go on vacation or unfortunately visit the medical clinic for treatment, to recover from their excessive working. There’s a reason why it’s called the rat race.

If you’re poor, realize someone who may be wealthy but currently ill, may pay a kings ransom for your good health.

Capacity To Love

While your capacity to earn might currently be limited, your capacity to love and be loved back has no limits.

Once you avoid the “haters” of the world, what you invite is the flow of good things to come into your life. Always show love, be grateful towards those who are important to you.

Love strangers, your friends and foes, by always lending a helping hand without they asking, rather than fearing or judging them.

Love every creature on this planet. Love everything you do everyday. Most importantly, love yourself.

Love is the most powerful force that’s in the universe, and there’s no limit.

Some who are wealthy, will often develop a standoffish selfish cold paranoid bitter heart, and they have no idea what giving or receiving love is.

Material Abundance

The media has brainwashed us into believing without having money, you’re not rich. Realize this is just a clever marketing ploy, all for the glory of profit.

The truth being money was invented just to keep track of how much you have.

The material resources and abundance this earth has to offer, is yours for the taking, whether you have money or not.

You don’t need that big house, a big yacht, a fancy car, a six-figure income, and four holidays every year to enjoy abundance. These are just the byproducts of a big ego.

Mother nature is pure proof. Decide to hike through a forest, take a bike ride in the park, go for a run, and witness the sheer abundance of beauty.

Walk along a beach at moonlight, and enjoy all the natural abundance you need.

To Attract Abundance

So dare to dream and think big, as those who are currently experiencing abundance, know this.

In your quest to seek riches, realize the abundance you’re looking for is surrounding you. Know these are the keys to your financial independence.

Stop thinking you’ll never become rich in your lifetime, for one reason or another. You need to improve the other areas of your abundant life first.

Embrace your gift of creativity, making good life choices. Maximize your talents, health, capacity to love, and enjoy the cornucopia of the natural world. Then the money will begin to flow.

Genuinely believe you’re already experiencing abundance, and then the riches will follow. Abundance will then be magnetized towards you as if by magic.