Industries such as factories emit toxic lethal heavy metals into the atmosphere, and are absorbed by the body like a sponge.
These naturally occurring heavy metals in the earth’s crust, turn into environmental contaminants from activities such as smelting, mining, industrial, agricultural, and domestic production of the metals.
Once they become airborne, they’re toxic to humans, animals, and the environment. Heavy metal exposure such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic, are particularly harmful.
These are the most commonly listed heavy metals considered to be a danger, and are extremely detrimental to public health.
How Toxic Heavy Metals Enter Our Body
• We inhale air that’s polluted with heavy metals mainly from industry, as well as natural phenomena. Cars, factories, mines, processing plants, and nuclear power stations all emit dangerous airborne heavy metals
• The primary source of consuming heavy metal toxins is by eating animal, seafood, and plant-based foods which are contaminated. Industrial and consumer waste also pollutes our water supply, such as rivers and streams
• Once we come in contact with contaminated soil or air, they contribute to absorbing heavy metals. The skin and the eyes will constantly absorb a series of airborne heavy metals on a daily basis, which needs to be removed
8. Yoga Spas And Saunas
What’s recommended are the steamy body heat activities, such as yoga, spas, and the sauna. What they do is effectively flush out all the accumulated toxic heavy metals that build up during the day.
This through a process known as thermogenesis via sweat. Saunas are especially effective when it comes to excreting lead and mercury from the body.
Sweat induced hot yoga sessions also has the same effect, which is beneficial for the body and mind.
7. Routine Daily Exercise
Make sure you do regular daily exercise which is extreme. Do excessive activities which induces sweat as doing so eliminates toxins effectively.
What’s known is low-intensity exercises such walking for an hour on the treadmill, may not have the same effect.
So it’s high-intensity workout sessions such as heavy lifting or running, which gets the much needed sweat glands going.
What exercise does is it circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, liver and kidneys, pushing out toxins.
6. Certain Smoothies
What smoothies such as cilantro does is attaches itself to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and lead, and then flushes them out of the body.
It also possesses excellent antioxidant properties. For best detoxification results, drink a cilantro smoothie for breakfast every morning.
Juice 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 celery stick, 1 zucchini, 1 green apple, juice of half a lemon, and a pinch of sea salt. Add water to get the consistency you want.
5. Certain Cleansing Teas
The liver is known as the key detoxification powerhouse in the body, as far as organs go.
What milk thistle specifically does is strengthens the liver cells, which as a result prevents the absorption of toxic heavy metals.
To begin, what’s recommended is drinking up to 6 cups of milk thistle tea a day, or take milk thistle supplements. It’s recommended to consult with your doctor first for any potential side effects.
4. Sulfur-rich Foods
Glutathione is a primary antioxidant that’s found in the human body, which purges the body of harmful toxins, along with heavy metals.
It attaches itself to these heavy metals and then forces them out through the liver and the kidneys. What foods rich in sulfur does is boosts glutathione activity in the body.
The types of produce are cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, collard, spinach, watercress, and cabbage. Others include Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, onions, and shallots.
3. Increase Polyphenol Intake
Polyphenols are micronutrients which are found abundantly in our diet. They combat cardiovascular, immune, and heart disease.
The richest sources of polyphenols include cloves, star anise, peppermint, oregano, flaxseeds, cocoa, dark chocolate, green tea, strawberries, blueberries, and plums.
It also enhances the production of metallothionein, which is a major antioxidant enzyme which detoxifies heavy metals.
2. Eat Fermented Food
The role gastrointestinal bacteria or probiotics plays, is they eliminate heavy metal buildup in the body, this by flushing them out of the intestines.
Most fermented foods which are found at the local grocery store, are extremely rich in probiotics.
Fermented foods which contains this good bacteria includes probiotic yogurt, cottage cheese, whey, kefir, fermented tofu, and kim-chi, along with pickled cucumbers, beets, radishes, and garlic.
1. Drink Clean Crisp Water
Since the body consists primarily of water, its deficiency can have a huge consequence on how it ultimately functions.
There’s no diet or exercise that will help, if the body happens to be constantly dehydrated.
The lack of water in the body is the major cause of oxidative stress, which delays the body’s ability to fight free radicals.
Once heavy metals enter the body, it’s drinking plenty of water which reduces this oxidative stress, which in turn chases out the heavy toxic metal accumulation in the body.