How To Transform The Daily Ritual Of Life Into Freedom

The protocol goes something like this. We go to school, get the best education we can, which translates into getting the highest paying job. We then exert sweat equity after finding this decent paying job, work hard, all to save for and hopefully enjoy a safe relaxing quiet retirement.

But what happens is the majority of us will fail life for a variety of reasons, as we hit rut after rut.

Decades ago, working for a living meant working for a company for 50 years. To hold a safe secure …

Are Those Who Are Alpha People More Successful In Life

What the media constantly portrays is the classic alpha model. Be big or go home, the king of the world, leader of the pack. Popular culture dictates alpha people are on the top of the human food chain, and it comes down to either you have it or you don’t, as genetics rule.

This alpha persona also extends to the animal kingdom. It’s known dogs can definitely sense an alpha leader, while most animals can instinctively detect dominance as well.

Humans are infinitely more complex in nature when belonging to …

How To Reset Your Daily Life By Thinking Of Nothing

Right now, this exact moment can be a new experience for you. This once you approach the next minute by emptying everything out of your mind. By not thinking, by clearing the slate that’s your rambling thoughts. Think of emptiness, think nothing exists, believe you know nothing.

Think of vacant spaces of nothingness, convince yourself everything you know can fit into a small void.

Believe everything, your physical body, every thought that exists on this earth is weightless, it’s completely empty.

Think there’s no substance, there’s no matter on this …

How To Mind Your Business By Developing Personal Interests

So your life is dull, it has halted to a standstill. You’re landlocked in a boring marriage or relationship that has become a roadblock, where there’s no way to escape. You’ve become disappointed with your life, one that once appeared so promising.

You’ve given up on attempting to create a life of your own. You have no hobbies, no friends, your life is a blank slate.

You’ve become bitter, you’re angry because of the freedom or success others seem to be experiencing. As a result you constantly meddle in their …

The Need To Overcome Personal Difficulties To Be Successful

We as humans all face similar life difficulties. What it comes down to is how effectively we solve them. If someone has self defeating issues, it will hold them back, as they’re not able to adapt to the external world, until they’re overcome. It’s thought with diligence, these self defeating issues can be eliminated.

For those who are already successful, it’s their confidence in the face of similar hardships, they’re able to defeat.

They’re driven by the attitude of overcoming these obstacles, which deters those who are less confident. They …