Feel No Stress No Fear By Living Your Life At This Moment

how to free yourselfLearn to remove the emotional clutter out of your life, which then activates in motion all of your manifestations magnetically pulling closer towards you. Live in the moment to get access to the power and the magic of the present. Then begin focusing, developing, and applying what you want most in life.

Living in the present is the only way of making an emotional connection with yourself, which activates the universal process of getting what you want becoming a reality. This alignment also needs to be finely tuned.

So you can’t dwell in the past or wander too far into the future. You need to live in the here and now, this since if your thoughts aren’t current, you can’t control the moment, otherwise what you want begins to vibrate away from you.

Completely Accept The Problem
You need to be at peace with a problem while it still exists, this for the solution to come to you, this since you can’t solve it without realizing and then accepting it first.

What we do is spend too much time denying what has happened while punishing ourselves for it, pushing the issue aside, which just leads to more problems.

At times, just accepting the part of your life that’s creating the problem can be enough to have it go away, this since it’s wanting to be dissolved. There’s a part of you that’s trying to send you a message, so just listen.

Happiness Isn’t Always Pleasurable
The experience of feeling pleasure is a “right now” thing. It’s sensory rich in its sights and sounds, the feelings that you experience. Happiness is a meta experience whenever thinking about something which brings you joy.

Happiness can’t be experienced by the senses directly while pleasure can. So focus your life on having more pleasurable experiences right now, rather than accumulating reasons on why you shouldn’t be happy.

Staying Connected To The Source
Stay connected to your higher self, this usually by meditation, music, or exercising, etc. The reason why we’re attracted to nature, the ocean, animals, is because we feel the awareness that we’re part of a greater collective consciousness, that they’re bigger than we are.

Some will disengage, but it’s not possible to ever fully disconnect. Emotion is motion. We as individuals are attracted to the source because we recognize that’s where we want to be, we want those feelings, we want to experience the energy, as just being in its presence makes us feel better.

Help Yourself First
You can never feel sorry enough to alter your problems. When you love yourself is when you can radiate it to others. Once you allow this abundance to flow to you, then you have the ability to spread it to others.

Offering your energy, whatever form it may be, whether it’s love, agreement, support, forgiveness, or energy, doing so isn’t possible if your “cup” isn’t brimming over.

If you really want to help others, you need to help yourself first. They can easily see the strain through your empty compliments, gestures, or favors, while you hide from your emotional impoverishment. Doing so serves no purpose attempting to enhance the life of others.

Become Selfish With Your Intentions
This becomes important since it’s your “belief” that you’re attempting to offer to others. If you’re not full of substance, then you have no business looking after their welfare.

It becomes important to limit your own responsibilities by preventing emotions such as a lack of self-worth or confidence. Remain present as well as in attendance to your own needs first, and then you’ll be able to serve others better.

You’re Not Your Accomplishments
Realize that what you accomplish, what you do or don’t do, your ideas and beliefs, your possessions, have nothing to do with who you are. They’re just baggage that you picked up along the way.

They have absolutely nothing to do with you spiritually, the one that wants you to feel better and stay connected. So lose your self serving ego and take the attitude of freedom in your everyday life.


The Journey Becomes The Destination
What we often think is if we have “that,” then we would be happier. Once we discover and experience the contrast of our likes and dislikes, this through life experiences, then a new want is born.

What then arrives is the striving and then the struggle in the journey towards that new manifestation, which also contains the stresses that you wanted to rid yourself of.

Realize that you’ll never get it done, this because the journey itself towards your wants shows different elements of contrast, likes, dislikes, and possibilities which changes and alters your path.

So your job here isn’t to get caught up in the end result, but rather to ensure that you enjoy the journey, this regardless of your goal.

Do so while ensuring that your daily journey contains the same underlying experiences and emotions which you seek from what you want. The journey that you take is the destination, so just enjoy it.

Removing The Barriers
Is it possible to somehow overcome all of the various stress blockages in your life, this so you can attract peace and abundance. Using emotional freedom techniques can be one way to release them, removing roadblocks such as: should, would, must, ought to, fear, anger, resentment, and so on.

Once the biggest unconscious blockages have been removed, resolved, then our ambitions, intentions, and passions will make us feel that much freer to move towards our goals more effortlessly, provided we take action.

Circumstances will then begin to appear in your life out of nowhere, while events and people will begin to align themselves. It does so as the universe begins to conspire with you, this answering to your call.

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