10 Ways To Keep Your Skin Soft And Supple In The Glaring Sun

7. Lightly Moisturize

taking care of your skin during the hot summer
What you constantly need is to moisturize your skin to keep it soft and supple. What the persistent sun and the excessive cleaning afterwards does, is tends to dehydrate the skins essential oils, so hydrating becomes important. If you happen to have oily skin, then this step can at times be avoided.

6. Manicures And Pedicures

Just because it’s sunny outside doesn’t mean you should be ignoring your hands and feet until the Fall. Make sure that you keep your pedicure and manicure maintenance up, at least once a month. Once you keep these areas clean, then the chances of catching fungal bacterial becomes minimized, keeping you safe from sun borne diseases.

5. Exercise Intensely

What the skin care experts claim is you should increase your exercise regime up a notch during summer. The reason for this is because what exercise facilitates is sweating, which flushes out and removes dead skin cells, while regenerating collagen. As a result, all the fine lines and wrinkles are reduced, giving you firm tight skin tone.