The Best Of The Most Popular 2011 Superbowl Ads

First of all, there is the thing called the football game, but there is also a huge hungry gigantic audience of over 100 million people who just want to watch the best Superbowl Ads. So here are all the creative geniuses who spend the entire year to encapsulate their product or brand into a 30 second or one minute ad.

These commercials are a guage of the state of the economy. Car ads were popular as were snacks. Babies and animals are always popular and good for a chuckle.

Yes, it is all about football and it was a great game, but it’s really about the commercials and the halftime show as part of the entire Super Sunday package. So here are the best Superbowl commercials of 2011, in no particular order.

Volkswagen Ads – Darth Vader and The Volkswagen Beetle
This commercial had a lot of pre-game buzz, so actually watching it wasn’t that big of a surprise when it actually aired. Volkswagen has always had good ads, so this one was no surprise.

Volkswagen Beetle How It Evolved

Dorito’s Pug Ad
Animals are always well done and funny. Here is a determined little Pug that has a junk food addiction, and he puts his tormentor in his place to get his fix. The pup will do anything for food.

Bud Light Dog Sitter Ad

It actually took the entire year to train all these dogs to tend bar and stand on their hind legs, or was it CGI. A dog sitter turns everything to fun when he and all the dogs decide to throw a party. Dogs play poker like the old paintings.

Bridgestone Beaver Saves Man Ad
Probably one of the best. Again thank you CGI. It features a hard working beaver, the animal, who repays the man who saved his life earlier by not running him over. Tells a story and product/brand recognition in 30 seconds.

Everyone Getting Ready To Watch The SuperBowl
A great compilation of old TV shows from the past and new current shows who are all getting ready to watch the big game. Not really an Ad, but well put together.

Chevrolet Camaro Ad Featuring Ms Evelyn
Detroit, the economy and Chevy are obviously making a come back. And for old times sake, the Chevy Camaro is leading the way with it’s modernized muscle car of days gone by. Where were these teachers when we were young.

Coke Dragon Ad
The big Coca Cola corp. has to be in there to flaunt their pop. They went total CGI this year and went dragons and some army coming to a siege. They roll out the big dragon looking like a trojan horse which contains Coke. Boring but good graphics.


There was something like over 100 ads around the country and regionally this year. These advertisements were all geared for the viewing pleasure of the largest targeted audience at one sitting, which is the Superbowl. Oh, and the right team won.

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