10 Ways To Keep Your Bone Mass Naturally Strong

3. Avoid Excess Salt

What high salt intake causes is the increased risk of women breaking bones during menopause, this regardless of bone density. It’s salt that’s the main culprit for altering bone calcium balance, this especially if consumed in high amounts.

What too much salt also does is forces excessive calcium excretion through the kidneys. What experts suggest is limiting your daily intake to 1,500 mg or less. The biggest danger is excess salt lurking in processed foods.

2. Early Morning Sunshine

An early morning walk for 15 to 30 minutes is found the most beneficial. Make sure you expose your arms, hands, and face, this so the body naturally produces enough vitamin D that’s needed for building stronger healthy bones. Also consume foods which are rich in vitamin D, such as milk, orange juice, shrimp, sardines, tuna, and egg yolks.

What the body needs is vitamin D for the bones to absorb calcium better. What’s known is that a deficiency in vitamin D does is causes a bone disease known as osteomalacia, which precipitates and exacerbates osteoporosis in adults.

1. Increase Protein Intake

What dietary protein does is seamlessly works flawlessly with calcium, this to improve calcium retention along with bone metabolism. What studies support is that consuming adequate protein such as lean meat, to the daily recommended dietary allowances, becomes extremely beneficial.

Protein is necessary for calcium utilization along with bone health, this particularly for the elderly. For stronger bones, consume both plant and animal protein that’s found in dairy products, meat, and beans.