10 Ways To Prevent Jet Lag For Frequent Travellers

7. Move Around Often

Keep the brain and body active, this by moving around during the flight. If flying long distances or adding time zone hours, make sure to take routine 10-minute walk breaks around the cabin, this to increase blood circulation. What frequent walks does, is also reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

What doing small twisting and stretching exercises in your seat, while not disrupting others does is reduces discomfort, such as swelling in the legs and feet. What stretching also does is reduces muscle tension and pain upon arrival. During stopovers, walk around as much as possible.

6. Consider Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is a hormone that the body naturally produces, this to ready one for sleep. What this hormone does is controls the internal body clock, this by sending signals to the brain and body when to go to sleep or wake up. What taking melatonin supplements does, is resets the body’s sleep cycle.

It should be taken before and after arriving in the new time zone, this to reduce or prevent symptoms of jet lag. Doing so is recommended especially for those traveling across 5 or more time zones, or flying from west to east.

5. Eat Light And Sensible

Similar to sleep disturbance, what traveling across various time zones does, is affects the digestive system. To begin, adjust the dinner eating schedule as close as possible, to the “dinner” hour of the destination. For frequent fliers, try the jet lag diet, which is eating a heavy diet for a few days before the flight, and then fasting on the day of travel.

When eating this heavy diet, avoid high carbohydrates or fatty foods right before going to bed, as what doing so will cause digestive issues, and disrupt sleep. Once reaching the destination, eat protein-rich meals, which will provide energy and alertness. Continue to consume healthy light meals, such as soups and salads.

4. Limit Alcohol And Caffeine Consumption

A few days before traveling or when on the flight itself, limit caffeine and alcohol intake, as what doing so will disrupt sleep patterns, which is a key side effect of traveling abroad. What these beverages does is increases fatigue, while also dehydrating the body, which just adds to the jet lag woes upon arrival.

Regardless of how tempting it may be, don’t take advantage of the complimentary trolley service during the flight. Make sure to avoid any type of diuretic, and stick to water. Upon arrival, then drink caffeinated beverages in moderation, this to help offset daytime sleepiness that’s caused by crossing time zones.

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