Eating Green Vegetables For Naturally Building Strong Muscles

green protein for fitnessWhat most believe is that to build bigger harder muscles at the gym, is to eat more red meat, as the valuable protein that it contains is what’s vital. There are however a growing number who won’t consume meat, this for either ethical or environmental reasons.

There are fortunately alternates, a variety of natural protein sources to build these muscles, or to remain toned. What’s known is that a meat rich diet doesn’t need to be the only way of building this muscle mass, as there are healthy green superfood options.

What this involves is choosing different ways for the body to absorb the necessary protein for building healthy muscle, using certain plant based solutions which are just as beneficial.

What needs to be known are what these nutrient based rich green superfoods are, this to get your required fix.

Beet Greens And Beets
Beets and beet greens are healthy because they’re high in nitrates and antioxidants. What these nutrients does is plays an important role during periods when there’s low oxygen in the body, such as during high intensity training like muscle building.

These dietary nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, which helps improve cardiovascular function, which then allows you to train longer and harder, guaranteeing that you build permanent healthy muscle tissue.

Some excellent ways to involve beets and beet greens into your diet are by adding them to salads, or for those who can’t tolerate its taste, add them to a smoothie for a disguised health option.

Barley And Wheat Grass
These are healthy edible grasses which are gaining mainstream popularity, so give them a try. What these fibrous greens contain are essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and carotenoids, which are antioxidants that keeps tissue cells strong.

What these minerals will do is increase muscle function, this by forcing the blood to carry oxygen to all the working muscles. What this helps is your stamina mid-workout, allowing you to train harder and longer.

To get the maximum benefits when it comes to barley and wheat grass, add it to your smoothie, as they’re available either fresh, powdered, or frozen.

Sprouts And Microgreens
What’s known is that eating fresh greens are healthy, especially sprouts and microgreens which are close to their source as possible.

What these powerful little superfoods are complete with are anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, such as glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, which helps our body to absorb amino acids from protein.

What phytonutrients does is helps with muscle recovery, which means that you can work out harder and longer, while realizing less post workout pain.

This allows you to get back to the gym sooner, so you could pound the weights harder. Sprouts and microgreens are easy to absorb into your diet, by adding them to your salads, wraps, sandwiches, and morning smoothie.

Peas In A Pod
What most considered are peas as a waste of space on the dinner plate when younger, and for many, this attitude hasn’t changed.

But know that fresh peas offer several superpower benefits, this especially when wanting to build bigger muscle mass, as they’re one of the best sources of digestible plant protein.

They’re an excellent source of branch-chain amino acids and glutamine. What body builders claim is that these are the best nutrients for post muscle recovery.


Other than eating fresh peas straight up, consider adding a pea protein powder supplement to your smoothies, try homemade split-pea soup, or add to stews and chili’s.

This is a vibrant green powder that’s gaining popularity. It’s a type of blue-green algae which contains healthy doses of amino acids critical for metabolism.

It also contains vitamin B6, and combined together with the amino acids, helps in breaking down carbs, protein, and fat, turning them into usable energy.

This becomes important for building muscles because the quicker that the body metabolizes carbs, fats, and protein into energy, the harder you’re able to train to build more muscle.

Incorporate spirulina by adding this powder into your pre-workout smoothie, or take in tablet form as a supplement.

Chlorella is a Japanese microalgae which is grown in freshwater ponds. Chlorella is similar in nature to spirulina, as they’re both sea vegetables which offers a variety of health benefits. It’s chlorella however which offers superior attributes.

What it contains is a compound known as chlorella growth factor or CGF, which contains a host of nucleic acids, amino acids, and vitamins, all which helps in the regeneration of cells. This becomes important for muscle growth and recovery post workout.

What chlorella also contains are all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Similar to spirulina, acquiring a taste for chlorella on it’s own may prove difficult.

It’s powdered form however blends easily into smoothies, where it’s taste can then be disguised.

What Popeye did was fooled us into eating more spinach despite its taste, but all this for good reason, as this particular green is truly proven to make our muscles bigger and stronger.

What spinach is extremely rich in is the amino acid arginine, which stimulates the pituitary gland, promoting it to produce natural human-growth hormone, or HGH.

What HGH has raised are a few eyebrows lately, this because “growth hormones” remain a topic of great discussion along with controversy, this among the health community and the athletes who takes them as a performance enhancing supplement.

The reason being that what HGH does is helps stimulates the growth of cells, along with cell reproduction and cell regeneration, all vital for muscle development.

There are also several side effects when taking HGH as a supplement, so the safest way for your body to get an all natural boost of HGH, is by consuming nutrient-rich spinach.

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