How To Set New Goals And Successfully Achieve Them

The key to attaining anything in life, is to set goals. You also need to constantly dissect and reflect on the previous goals you’ve set, and look forward to setting new ones in the future. Success in life will turn once your focus is placed on setting goals, and more importantly reaching them.

Once you know what you’re striving for, the end result you want, knowing exactly where you are, what you need is to plot out the course on how to get there.

What these goals are, what you …

How To Run Without Getting Exhausted By Setting Goals

This is about running, but it’s much more than that. Running is putting on a pair of jogging shoes and pounding the pavement. What it does once you get into the “flow,” is it slows down and encapsulates life, all in a single trot around the park.

As the new day unfolds while readying for the run, exposes a flashback of elation, the fear of injury, as I teeter back and forth, uncertain of my endurance.

Any given day can be such a day. This day began like any other, …