Cannot Get Enough Of Those Amazing Antioxidants?

The prefix ‘anti’ usually means against, in opposition to, or corrective in nature. In this case, the ‘anti’ in antioxidant describes the effect these chemicals have against oxidants.

Oxidants, usually referred to as ‘free radicals’ are produced as a natural by-product of the millions of biochemical processes undertaken by the body every minute. The same life-giving oxygen that supports all the functions of the body creates these harmful by-products which cause cell damage, usually to DNA, fats and proteins.

Free radicals also enter the body through external influences such as …

Is Drinking Green Tea Really A Cancer Fighting Miracle Brew?

For thousands of years, the Japanese and the Chinese have long been drinking green tea. It has been attributed for helping fight off different kinds of illnesses as well as help in weight loss, and this brew has also been linked to fighting cancer.

Only recently, green tea has been introduced in the west. And, people love it. Most people say that they never felt healthier in their entire lives, and health buffs even said that this tea is a miracle drink. Ever since then, the entire world is now …

New Effective Ways That You Can Battle Fatigue

About 20% of adults experience excessive fatigue that impairs their ability to function well at work and at home. Some are able to bounce back after taking a short respite from work or by taking medication. But there is a significant number of people whose stressful experiences last longer that usual. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects at least 800,000 people in the United States. This disabling fatigue usually persists for as long as six months or even longer. The eight common CFS symptoms include muscle pain, joint pain, memory gaps …