Your Life Gets Better Once You Reveal Who You Truly Are

The moment you begin living your life to your full potential, is when you expose your imperfections. There are plenty of individuals roaming this earth living a shallow life invested in their own self image, who are pretending to be living perfect lives.

What this leads to is others who begin comparing themselves to them, and then judging themselves as not being as perfect by comparison.

The fault being we’re unable to admit we’re not perfect, and fail to realize it’s our imperfections, our scars, is what makes us unique …

10 Reasons Why People May Not Like You That Much

There are some who are universally liked, they have a certain charisma, certain qualities which naturally attracts others to adore them. Then there are some, a certain group of individuals, who are not really liked that much. Perhaps someone you know.

This can prove important since it can impact your chances of opportunity or success.

There’s a perception those who are likable are considered more hardworking and trustworthy. Those who aren’t liked, are thought as being arrogant and manipulative.

Not being liked reaches beyond what their physical appearance is, such …