9 Ways On How To Handle Rejection In Your Life

Rejection happens to all of us everywhere and at any time, as life doesn’t care, as we don’t always get what we want or deserve. The most common ways of getting rejected is being turned away by love, money, or finding a suitable direction.

Rejection can occur to anyone when least expecting it. We can’t always get what we’re seeking, as it doesn’t differentiate for the privileged or the poor. At some point, we’ll get rejected for something.

So it comes down to how we deal with it, and how …

Why Being Rejected Is A Devastating Deterrent To Success

We’ve all been there, asked someone for something with abated breath. A job, a date, a raise, or money. We ask for forgiveness, love, a recommendation, only to be rejected. We start a business, we can’t get enough clients, we feel rejected. Then we become devastated, the feeling of failure.

What rejection does is exposes feelings, which gives doubt about our self-worth, which raises questions about our value as human beings.

That latest rejection, makes all our other accomplishments pale in comparison. We arbitrarily give rejection tremendous power, more than …