Some Valuable Home Remedies From Drinking Green Tea

For more than thousands of years, science has been finding effective ways of preventing and treating every kind of disease. Diseases that are categorized under those that can be cured only through “Divine Intervention”. There have been so many discoveries on how to treat a particular ailment and many alternatives have already been developed. It comes from eliminating heartburn by using brown sugar through the intake of corn syrup for controlling nausea and other remedies. But nothing can beat green tea as one of the most effective home medicines.

Green …

How About Teaching English in Japan

If you’ve recently graduated from school and are at a crossroads in the start of your career, Teaching English in Japan might be worth looking into. Believe it or not, the English language learning industry is a multi-billion dollar one that employs over 65,000 ESL teachers.

Whats Needed to Teach
In order to get a job teaching English in Japan, you’ll need to be a college graduate from any field (sorry but 2 year degrees wont cut it.) You pretty much also need to speak English at native level fluency. …