One need only to scan a newspaper or read a weekly magazine to be astounded by the number of stories about new medical breakthroughs, disease processes, emerging threats of disease, …
post secondary education
Understanding Why A College Degree Is So Important
Why is college so important? Why should I bother to go? These are questions that many young adults ask upon their impending high school graduation. There are many answers to …
How To Decide What College Major To Take
Once you are accepted into a college and begin taking classes, the next step is to decide on a major. Most college graduates change their major several times before they …
Some High In Demand Jobs If You Are A New Graduate
According to a recent survey by Job Outlook, for the third year now, there is a positive increase in hiring fresh college graduates for 2010 and beyond. Business owners plan …
Ready For Higher Education: Find The Right College Tailored For You
If you are approaching the end of high school and are ready to begin investigating colleges, there are several factors to consider before deciding what college is right for you. …