Some Common Financial Mistakes You Can Make And Learn From

In this day and age, there really shouldn’t be any reason to make certain financial mistakes. Do a search on the internet and you will find that there are thousands of articles othat warn you of the pitfalls of certain choices. Advice for living a financially stable life is everywhere. What are you waiting for?

Here are the most common mistakes that people make. You’ve probably made a few of them myself. These are the financial mistakes that you can learn from.

Mistake #1: Using that little plastic card to

Some Useful Retirement Strategies For All Ages: A “To-Do” List

A successful retirement depends largely on the steps you take during different stages of your life. Here are some moves to consider. Note: Investment portfolios shown are illustrations only. You must decide what percentages and investments are right for you.

Your 20s and 30s (Early Career)
Contribute as much as you can to IRAs, 401(K), Keoghs and other retirement savings while meeting other goals, such as buying a home or starting a family.

Keep your debt from credit cards and other sources manageable.

If you don’t already own a home, …