Using Economic Data And How It Influences The Financial Markets

The trigger that contributes to price levels and action in the financial markets are numerous and diverse, and their influences can vary through time, and across different markets. We will identify the different types of Economic Data influences and the role they play.

There are two ways economic information can influence prices. The first is in the macro sense.

Macroeconomic inputs include:
Interest Rates
Economic Growth (GDP)
Government Budget Surpluses/Deficits
Trade Balances
Commodity Prices
Relative Currency Exchanges Rates
Corporate Earnings (both for individual companies and the broad collection)

These …

How You Can Crush the Stock Market Without Actually Trading Stocks – Try Forex Trading

Do you look at the stock market and wish you’d bought some Google stock back when it was first offered for $104? You’d have gained nearly 300% on that investment in the first year, that’s roughly 9.2% each month! That’s a Wall Street level of success!

Imagine if there is an investment opportunity that could easily give you over 14% monthly? What if 21.5% per month was within reach? These yearly returns of anywhere from 500% to 1000% are possible for anyone who has the initiative to go out and …

Do You Consider Yourself A Stock Market Investor?

The threshold question before you decide to invest in the stock market is whether you are an investor. For some people the stock market may not be suited to their personality. This article addresses some of the qualities an investor should have in order to make a reasonable return in the stock market.

Sure, there are folk tales you may hear about the guy who bought XYZ Company stock for $5 and sold it 60 days later for $50 a share. This scenario probably has happened , but it is …