How Speculators Trading The Futures Market Takes All The Risk

ups and downs of speculatorsSpeculators trade the markets because of the perception of an easy living, becoming seduced that trading futures or the Forex are great opportunities to earn fast money, but if they’re not trading to their strengths, they’re at a disadvantage and likely to lose.

What needs to be distinguished is, are you playing to your advantage, or just being an opportunity seeker. A divide exists between the two. If you’re just looking for an easy way to make a quick buck in your spare time, then you’re leaving yourself exposed to …

Trading The Commodity Futures Market Can Be A Fools Game

why most will fail when trading the futures marketsYou constantly hear of horror stories where novice investors will quickly lose their entire $10,000 trading accounts in 32 minutes flat, this once they begin trading Commodity Futures contracts for the very first time.

There’s a common saying among the commodity traders fraternity which says, “It’s extremely easy to be able to make a small fortune in the commodities market. You just need to begin with a large fortune!”

Trading the futures market is not generally recommended for those who become emotionally attached to their money, and who doesn’t, yet …