What Money Can’t Buy In A World That’s Obsessed With It

Having money in pocket is an obsession. We go to school, enroll in post secondary education, all to get the best paying job we can, all for the acquirement of money. Money buys things, buys status, everything we need from food, clothes, cars to houses, including love.

Money makes the world go around, there’s even a song about it. The number one thing on almost everyone’s wish list is having more money.

Having more money is thought to solve all and every issue and malady people have. It’s the ultimate solution.

Realize money itself is nothing more than just a man made accounting system, a sophisticated digital algorithm just to keep score.

Money For Nothing

The core lesson of our existence, is learning there’s a lot more important things than money. That it only serves as a lubricant as money isn’t everything.

We’ve been held captive and conditioned however, to believe money is our biggest pursuit.

The reality is we exist in a capitalistic world, that the most valuable, the most desirable things which exists in life comes with a hefty price tag.

As big industry flashes it’s teeth ready to pounce, it becomes easy to believe we only live for the glory of this evil money.

But money is not the savior, as it can’t buy certain things.

The nature of the world economy however, is designed so it’s the most important thing.

What’s proven is even the most wealthiest people in the world, can’t buy certain things with money, and what they sorely lack and need the most.

Money Can’t Buy Time

Time is often referred to as the most valuable free currency in the world, as well as being the only commodity which has intrinsic value.

It’s the one thing you’re not able to arguably spend, or make. Time itself can’t be forged or stolen, only manipulated.

Regardless of how much money you have, the time you’ve wasted, you can’t buy back.

The proof is how old and haggard some of the wealthy look.

So be aware of this the next time you waste time. Instead, learn to cherish every second.


You just have one life, one chance and it’s not a practice session so you need to make it count. Make what you’re doing mean something.

The biggest battle the richest people face is they run out of time, something their dollars can’t buy unless it’s cosmetic.

Can’t Buy Me Love

You can pay for all the sex you want. You can go purchase some intimacy. You can buy your significant other the best experience of their life.

But you can’t make them fall in love with you. You can’t buy true love, it’s not for sale.

If anything, what money does is makes finding love a lot more difficult, more selfish.

It will bring people out of the woodwork, those who have no interest in you personally, but are in love with your money. Then they will suck you dry until you’re broke in spirit.

What money does is brings out the rift raft in people, an ugly element of the most despicable kind.

They seduce you only to convince you that they love you, only so they could get access to your bank account.

Money if anything, is the biggest deterrent to love.

Look At Those Sad Eyes

We know that money can buy you a big yacht, as no one’s ever been unhappy sailing around the Mediterranean.

But unless you’re planning to live on it year round, it won’t buy you true happiness.

Regardless of how rich you are, it’s been said the two best days of owing a boat, is the day you buy it, and the day you sell it.

The biggest fear the rich face is loss. The fright of losing their fortune by being swindled or making poor financial decisions, which fouls their mood, making them perpetually miserable.

Once you learn to be happy without having a single dollar to your name, you can then learn to be happy with yourself under any circumstances imaginable.

Money can’t and won’t buy you happiness, unless you learn how to treat it properly.

Mental Strength Is Not For Sale

Contrary to what most believe, we’re not born with courage, we’re not born with more or less bravery than the next person.

What we’re all capable of becoming however, is more courageous if we want to be, by taking calculated risks to maximize reward.

Having courage doesn’t mean always needing to face dangerous situations, as what it can mean is to face yourself, along with facing all of your illogical fears.

Courage isn’t something you can buy, it’s something you need to realize you already have or can personally build upon.

Can’t Buy Intellect Or Sanity

What money can buy you is the best education, the best tutors, the best chance of you becoming a highly informed educated person.

What it can’t buy you, is the willpower to work hard, which is needed to contribute to your intellectual capacity.

Money can’t buy you common sense.

The reason why some remain ignorant, isn’t because they didn’t get the best education, but rather because they felt it wasn’t important to learn, or they thought they weren’t smart enough to learn.

What we now live in is an age of mass information, where anyone anywhere can learn whatever it is they want to learn, provided they’re open to it.

The Need Of Intention

Arguably, making significant amounts of money is becoming a lot more difficult than it once was. What you first need is to have intention. To have a purpose in life.

Without having purpose, we become lost and confused, as money becomes elusive.

What we begin to do without having intention, is making poor decisions, ending up living a life we hate.

Having intention in life is one of the most important things a person can have, which can’t be bought or sold, but rather something you find within yourself to live another day.

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