Warning Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Magnesium In Your Diet

having problems sleepingWhat most don’t understand is why they even need magnesium in their body, this since they already take calcium and iron supplements. Having the daily recommended levels of magnesium becomes important, this for proper cardiac and muscle function.

Magnesium is vitally needed as is silica and Vitamins D and K, this to promote and sustain better bone and brain health. The deficiency of magnesium is also more common than many think. There are telltale signs that you may be deficient yourself of this vital mineral.

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are vast, as it can cause serious health issues, while other signs are more subtle. The biggest issue is that those who are deficient don’t realize it.

As a result, there are numerous health issues which arises, and are usually blamed on something else, or remains unexplained. The key being a potential magnesium deficiency is often not considered.

Why Most Have A Magnesium Deficiency
Having a magnesium deficiency, like any other essential nutrient, is that most just don’t consume enough of it in their diet. Another reason is your body isn’t able to absorb enough of it, as it flushes through the bodily system.

Other issues includes taking certain medication, or consuming too much alcohol, which can easily absorb and deplete the magnesium stores in the body.

What magnesium does is plays an important role, this when it comes to keeping your muscles, heart, and kidneys as well functioning as possible.

Magnesium also regulates the levels of other nutrients, while keeping the bones strong. Since this mineral is extremely vital, it’s best to become aware of the warning signs of having a deficiency.

Experiencing Abnormal Heart Function
One of the key indicators of low magnesium levels is the effect it has on all your muscles, this throughout the body, and most importantly the heart and its surrounding area.

What insufficient magnesium can induce is a serious health condition known as a cardiac arrhythmia, where the heart fails to beat regularly.

What this can elevate into is a greater risk of complications, leading to serious heart issues including stroke. This is the reason why most health experts are now treating their arrhythmia patients with medication that contains magnesium.

Painful Kidney Stones
What the majority of sufferers believe is that kidney stones are caused by having too much calcium in their system. What’s now thought is that the trigger cause might be a lack of magnesium stores.

The reason for this is that what magnesium does is prevents the formation of at its source, this by stopping the binding of calcium by using a substance know as oxalate.

Calcium and oxalate are the known ingredients which formulates into kidney stones. Since having kidney stones can be extremely painful, what’s great is knowing that something as common as taking magnesium supplements, can help in alleviating or preventing them.

Hearing Loss Ringing In The Ears
Known as tinnitus, which is a constant annoying high-pitched ringing in the ears, along with hearing loss, can be traced back to a deficiency of magnesium.

Based on a variety of studies, what was tested was how low levels of magnesium can affect ear health. It was found that what having adequate levels does is prevents free radicals from forming, which is associated with hearing difficulties.

It was found that once treating those who experienced hearing loss with magnesium supplements, doing so improved their hearing loss within several months.


Tremors And Muscle Cramps
Having adequate magnesium levels is critical when it comes to optimizing muscle function. Without it, the body would otherwise be in a constant state of convulsions, this because the magnesium mineral is what allows the muscles to relax.

That is the reason why magnesium oxide drip is used to ease women who are in labor. Magnesium is also found in a variety of sleep inducing supplements.

What having low magnesium levels can lead to are muscle cramping and twitching, facial ticks, and cramping of the feet when attempting to sleep. So if you experience any of these symptoms, then you may need to increase your magnesium levels.

Bouts Of Moodiness
The link between fluctuating mood and low magnesium levels was detected over a century ago, this when the doctors of that time administered it to treat mental health disorders.

What modern science has found is this to be true, that those with wild mood swings steering towards depression, all had low levels of magnesium.

One of the advantages of taking magnesium supplements over traditional antidepressants, is that they don’t have the dreaded side effects which medication is often associated with.

Feelings Of Nausea
Similar to vertigo, what having low magnesium levels can do is accelerate the feeling of nausea, which can at times induce vomiting.

These symptoms are considered the preliminary, but not necessarily the symptoms of magnesium deficiency. What’s unpleasant is the feeling of being nauseous and the urge to throw up, and knowing that taking magnesium can help.

So even if these symptoms aren’t considered to be that severe, it can impact your daily routine. For those who regularly suffers from feeling nauseous or dizzy, there may be other causes, so professional consultation is advised.

It can be as simple as a magnesium deficiency, but similar to many other symptoms you may experience, there’s a variety of causes, where magnesium levels are often overlooked.

Filling Up On Magnesium
Once you experience any of these symptoms, it’s first advised to always seek out medical advice, while increasing your intake of magnesium supplements to recommended levels.

To naturally increase magnesium levels, follow a diet which includes foods such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds, black beans, soy beans, okra, spinach, or cashews, which are all excellent sources.

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