7 Ways To Improve Your Self Wellness When Growing Older

As you progress into your adult life and begin to age, how would you define the state of your mental wellness. Is it fermenting like fine wine, or are you beginning to show a few cracks. Are there some deficiencies you need to fill.

Once we reach a certain age of adulthood, what we do is reach a peak, a crescendo. We then begin to stabilize and hopefully are fully mature adults.

For most, this occurs sometime in our 30’s, as the mind is considered to be at its peak.

This is also when our lives begin to reverse and start to decline backwards. It’s around this age, we begin to stop growing, as we become who we are as humans.

So those days gone by, the ones we woke up to a life full of potential and vinegar, we may of already experienced our greatest days.

At this age, it’s thought we should have a good handle on our life, to who we are as we’ve arrived.

One that shouts “This is me” as you gracefully age forward.

The Adult You’ve Become

Soul searching, research, education and definition is what should come into focus and alignment. This along with incorporating better more mindful habits on a daily basis.

Know these wellness principles are different for everyone. What they do is align with the various experiences of our lives, while also needing the commitment and determination to bring forward this change.

This change is needed to bring balance and harmony, once deciding to make wellness a choice.

What it requires, is a conscious effort of doing something that’s positive on a daily basis, to honor your life and spirit.

Achieving wellness, involves directing your life to where you want it to be, which means controlling every area of it.

This includes your health, relationships, career, finances, environment, and emotional well-being.

What Is Wellness

The definition of wellness, is being in a state of optimal awareness. An improved quality of life that results in enhanced physical, mental, and spiritual ability.

Most will go into denial mode however, when it comes to how actually “well” they really are.

They’ll use comfort as a coping strategy, just to avoid any potential issues such as certain medical or mental issues, that may be creeping in.


We continue to avoid all the minor nagging issues, until they develop into a full blown crisis.

Often, that’s when we trigger into action. The areas of our lives that are dark, are the areas that needs the most attention.

Incorporating Wellness

Most don’t bother to incorporate wellness into their lives, because they’re either too busy, or don’t have the desire to do so.

Realize it’s not your physical being that’s affected by wellness, as it’s stress that prevents many from taking control of their destiny.

Be aware of how you spend your time. Learn to adjust your priorities to incorporate the activities that are important to your health and wellness, which will reduce this stress.

You need to reevaluate your priorities, and place them in order of importance to become successful.

So instead of working 10 hours a day, choose to work 7 hours and then spend the rest of the time improving your well-being.

Attempting To Cheat Time

According to time management experts, what we constantly do is make excuses, while mismanaging or manipulating the time we actually have.

It’s estimated the average individual, has around 40 hours per week of free time. 20 hours of it however, is spent watching TV or surfing the Internet, leaving little time for other activities.

This spare time, should instead be prioritized more towards improving self-wellness.

As we grow older, what doing so does is brings forward a myriad of physical, metabolic, mental, and emotional challenges.

These are the areas we need to be more aware of and improve upon.

As we grow older, we should be reserving this time for relaxation, retirement, and enjoying life. Reserve this time, to embark on new exciting adventures such as travel.

7 Steps To Achieve Wellness

1.) – Be Completely Honest With Yourself

Begin by honestly looking at every area of your life, and identify where it needs to improve. Make and set new goals, to reach the desired results while tracking your progress.

2.) – The Willingness To Change

Identify and write down all your wellness goals, and your willingness to follow through on them. Keep in mind any movement, backwards or forward, is a necessary and expected part of the process to change.

3.) – Identifying And Eliminating Challenges

There’s always barriers and roadblocks we need to overcome, as we move towards our goals.

Every negative message you encounter, learn to replace them with positive ones, as an exercise of establishing new habits. All it takes is time and patience.

4.) – Clearly Define Your Wellness Goals

Develop new ways to reach your goals. Break them down into smaller incremental steps. Create meaningful wellness priorities, by taking a closer look at how you spend your average day.

Record what you do daily. Find different opportunities for new wellness activities you may of not known previously existed, and then incorporate them into your life.

5.) – Challenge Your Wellness Changes

Initially make simple changes, and then begin incorporating changes that may be more difficult, the ones that need the most effort to reach your goals. Then begin tackling them one at a time.

6.) – Design And Refine Your Goals

If you’re not getting the results you’re wanting in a reasonable amount of time, go back and reassess.

Refine and redesign your goals, so they fit in and works the best for you. You may even seek help from others if needed.

7.) – Making New Lasting Changes

Identify and celebrate all of your accomplishments, by rewarding yourself. Constantly review all of your favorite activities you like to do, while trying out new ones, so you can renew your motivation.

Getting Better Everyday

With the pace of the world accelerating, what we all want is immediate and instant everything. If we don’t get it right away, we’ll then just usually give up and quit.

Know the actions we take, which extends the wellness principles in our lives are well worth the effort and the work. Do so by taking care of yourself first.

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