9 Natural Mind Tricks To Improve Your Memory As You Age

On a daily basis, the human brain is bombarded with a variety of different concepts, facts, dates, and numbers to remember. All the important vital information we think we need, is catalogued. It’s not always possible for the tiring noggin to grasp and remember all of them.

Everyone on occasion forgets. The human mind is no different than any other type of physical memory storage device. There are ways however to refine it better than any other system.

What it’s capable of, is storing information in the form of data, facts and figures, while being able to recognize hundreds of faces, routes, names and memories.

The human brain is the governor that regulates our every thought, and its file retrieval system can be fine tuned as we age.

9. Foods That Improve Memory

There are specific types of food that contributes to overall growth. There are certain types of nutrients capable of stimulating growth to different parts of the body specifically the brain.

To improve memory, since you are what you eat, requires the awareness of the essential brain boosting foods, that can stimulate a quicker response from the brain.

The most beneficial memory boosting foods include antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, complex carbs, omega-3 rich foods, foods rich in specific vitamins.

To improve memory, choose to include foods in your everyday diet, that are nutritionally beneficial.

8. Doing Mindful Meditation

What meditation does is provides the key to focus, which is vital for concentration, which enhances learning, improves memory, compiles your personality, while reducing stress and anxiety.

Meditation is an extremely old, conventional and a proven remedy for many of our everyday issues in life.

It helps you to concentrate better, while efficiently discarding all the unnecessary thoughts from your mind.

It’s thought that just a 15 minute meditation session just once a week, is enough to help improve focus and memory.

7. Get Adequate Sleep

It’s no surprise the single solution to a majority of problems, is getting adequate sleep. Along with helping to maintain a healthy body, sleep is also vital for a healthy and active brain.

While we are asleep, the body and mind recharges, as it sorts and organizes our short and long term memory. What sleep does is helps integrate our memory, which creates room for new information.

Getting adequate sleep resets your mind, keeps it fresh, making you more open and adaptive to learning and remembering new things.

6. Use Of Visualization

The things you like are always easier to remember. What you’ll never forget is a great movie, or the name of an attractive person you met months ago.


What you can do to improve memory is associate a certain word or text to a visual image, which will help you remember it better.

This is an effective technique that’s taught to kids in elementary school, for them to develop a better understanding or to just remember.

It’s done so by associating words with pictures. This method is also used by university students, who are preparing for complex exams.

5. Reading Information Over And Over

The instance you come across the first few lines of a certain passage, what your mind will automatically do is come up with the rest of the written words, such as a musician can.

What you don’t need, is to sit down and memorize it word for word. There’s no need to learn it, because you’ve been reciting it on a daily basis so it’s etched in your mind, like the words to a song or prayer.

This is the easiest way to remembering and reciting something, anything, as you’ve memorized it by heart.

4. Understanding And Relating

What’s known is if you “tell” someone something, they’ll usually forget it immediately.

If you “teach” someone while giving them the reasons behind it, they might understand it. But if you “involve” someone while teaching them, they’ll remember forever.

One of the best known ways to memorize and recall something, is by understanding it first, and then relating to it.

If you cram the night before for an exam the following day, you’re not going to remember much of it. To improve memory, you need to understand the reason behind it thoroughly.

3. Use Words That Rhyme

What we fondly remember from our childhood are nursery rhymes, and there’s a reason for that. The words are associated with one other.

So if you need to remember something that’s complicated, the best way to memorize it is to turn it into a rhyme.

If there’s confusion or blockage, what the word rhymes with, can at times retrieve it.

This technique is found to work the best for remembering figures, such as, “In 1942, what Columbus did was sailed the ocean blue.

2. Write Things Down And Rehearse It

What’s found extremely effective is manually writing things down, this to retain more information while learning it quicker and easier.

Once you decide to dedicate yourself by rehearsing the information you need to remember several times a day, it will then become etched in your mind forever.

So the key in this digital world is to get into the practice of writing things down, such as a grocery list, things to do on vacation, or planning out next weeks menu.

This then also gives you no excuse to forget anything, as you have written proof.

1. Practice Makes Perfect

The more the brain is utilized, the stronger it gets. As exercising is vital for a healthy body, practicing mind exercises is needed for a healthy brain.

What the brain needs are intellectual nutrients to grow, in the form of information and mental exercises, which stimulates the brain while developing it.

The more you keep yourself active and thinking, such as constantly doing crossword puzzles or writing, the more efficient and calculated it becomes.

So play mind improving games, which forces you to think.

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