Creating A LinkedIn Profile And Getting Free Link Love

linkedinjoinhereLinkedIn is a social networking site geared primarily towards businesses and business individuals. Originally launched in 2003, it’s a social platform mainly used for business and professional networking purposes. LinkedIn has more than 86+ million users, from over 200+ countries worldwide.

Making Your Professional LinkedIn Profile Standout
Step 1: Choose Your Keyword Carefully
You have probably already predetermined the exact keywords that you want your profile to be found under. If not, then use a keyword tool such as Google’s External Keyword Tool. Start searching for ‘warm’ qualified keywords based on what the searchers are using. Obviously, if you’re someone famous like Brad Pitt or Bill Gates, there’s no need to wonder if people will ever find you. However, for the rest of us, we have to work a little harder to increase our “celebrity status” on LinkedIn. So pick a relevant popular keyword that will position you as an expert of some type in your industry or field. For example, pick a keyword such as “Internet Marketing SEO Expert”

Step 2: Make The Key Elements Of Your Profile Stand Out
The 4 main keys to optimize your LinkedIn Profile

Key 1: Make sure you use a personal picture, preferably a headshot in your profile. Everyone connects with faces, so no logos or that blank shadow dude.
Key 2: Realize that your personal name is your headline, so it should have your selected keyword in it. On the name field, use your first name. For example, John. However, the last name field can include the keyword such as, “Jones — Internet Marketing SEO Expert.” This way you can be found under your name as well as your field of expertise.
Key 3: Optimizing your keyword applies to LinkedIn as much as the same keyword applies to your website. So make sure that you include your chosen keywords throughout your profile. This includes in your job description and ‘specialties’ in the summary’s area. Use that keyword as much as possible without going overboard and looking spammy. Keep in mind your goal is to spread your keyword phrase throughout your profile, associated with your name, business, company and website. So do not cram in different keywords.
Key 4: Make sure you leverage the main website elements in the “sites” area. On the drop down tab, select “sites” then “other”. Then insert your main keyword again, “Internet Marketing SEO Expert” matching your URL. You are allowed up to 3 keyword phrases that you can use in this area. Your keywords will now function as ‘anchor text’, and will link back to your blog, website or twitter account.

Step 3: Use Apps. To Make Your Profile Stand Out

The use of applications are a great way to make your profile stand out, as well as they automating your social media presence on LinkedIn. You can use applications to display blog feeds, or your Twitter stream. Applications can also keep your profile up to date, relevant and full of “leadership” information that keeps you profiled as an expert in your particular field. The best part of using apps. is that you do not have to update it every single time. The updates will be dynamically fed from either your blog or Twitter account. You can even use apps to instantly update your status as well!

Step 4: Keep Track Of Your LinkedIn Results
Make sure you keep track of all this LinkedIn optimization effort, and make sure its working.

Here are a few areas you can look at:
– Type in your selected keyword, does your profile and keyword appear as one of the top results?
– Is your LinkedIn profile at or near ‘100-percent’ connectivity on the LinkedIn Rating Scale? If not, keep optimizing towards that.
– Are your recommendations increasing? As you continue to keep connecting with your colleagues, your clients and business associates, gifts will eventually show up as unsolicited recommendations. It makes your day when you receive one in your inbox.
– You should begin to see an increase of personal messages in your inbox. The more conversations that you create and receive using LinkedIn, the more efficient you will become in building your community.
– Keep track of your profile in the search engines. If you have chosen the right keyword, one that isn’t too highly competitive, then you should show up fairly quickly.

Also keep in mind that you should be using real and accurate information when building your profile. Don’t falsify your personal information. Search engines such as Google absolutely love social portals such as: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, to give you and your website a higher profile.

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