Why You Should Start Your Own Daily Deals Group Buying Solution

your own daily deals siteThese “Daily-Deals” group buying sites are continuing to exponentially grow at an alarming rate around the globe. They’re evolving right before our eyes as an excellent alternate marketing method for merchants and for media publishers.

But rather than participating with the larger established sites such as LivingSocial or Groupon, if you have web marketing or online publishing resources, you can just launch your very own branded daily deals site. It’s possible through the various “white-label” software programs which are available.

Since the blueprint for these daily-deal sites has …

Why The Daily Deals Sites Are Still As Successful As Ever

savebigonthedailydealssitesWe can all figure out what the logic is behind all of these online “Daily Deals” coupon and voucher sites. It’s all about selling enough of a featured product at a discounted price and hopefully breaking even or even make a profit, while acquiring new customers which who you hope would return back to your site or store.

This is what sites such as Groupon have been preaching from Day 1 for their “Daily Deals” marketing platform. Originating in 2008, Groupon rapidly expanded their services as they offered …