Is Cloud Computing Finally Coming To Age For Businesses And Consumers

cloudcomputingexplainedSo if you’ve been following tech issues for a while, then you undoubtedly know all about the Cloud Computing movement. You may even be planing on jumping on board yourself and participating sometime soon.

It’s becoming such a trendy topic that, if you’re not planning on clouding, then your tech life may be considered irrelevant and not really that cool.

You know, that’s because everyone’s getting their heads in the cloud. Cloud computing is that virtual infinite repository of all things digital where data is stored on those humongous secure …

Is Cloud Computing Making Your Computer Hard Drive Useless

cloudcomputingwithchromebookIf you’re using a cloud based solution to access your business or personal data via your laptop, it’s most likely because of its quickness, cost savings, security and energy efficiency. There may be a bit of a draw back to this emerging storage solution however…

Attempting to predict any pattern of future trends in technology for the most part is practically impossible to do. Trying to track and then evaluate the new product introductions as well as the progressive forward thinking ideas which has found the backing of angel investors …

Comparison Of Productivity Apps: Microsoft Office 365 And Google Apps For Business

cloud-computingmicrosoftwebappsandgoogleappsforbusinessMore often, Web-based resources utilizing Cloud Computing services are rapidly beginning to take over the usage of desktop applications. Most notably is Microsoft’s Office 365, their response to Google’s Apps for Business. The MS Office 365 Suite is a complete business productivity as well as a communications package which includes all of their traditional online online versions of Microsoft s successful Office Suite software bundle.

For decades, Microsoft has had a firm grip as well as been the leader in desktop productivity software, primarily because it was made available in …

What Are The Biggest Concerns Regarding Cloud-Based Computing Solutions?

how secure is cloud computingWhile there are a lot of business owners who have questioned the wisdom of entrusting their sensitive data to unknown virtual cloud-based applications, nonetheless, there are more and more organizations of all sizes and segments, who are doing just that with their business data and communications.

This is because earning more revenue, while lowering operating costs, thus improving the bottom line, is forever the economic blueprint of any business. So it is not surprising that organizations regardless of size are adopting cloud computing.

The Main Advantages Of Cloud Computing